Tuesday, March 4, 2025

📰 The cerebellum, a key brain area for socialization

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Jillian Castillo
Jillian Castillo
"Proud thinker. Tv fanatic. Communicator. Evil student. Food junkie. Passionate coffee geek. Award-winning alcohol advocate."

Located at the back of the skull, the cerebellum is a key brain region for controlling motor functions, but it also contributes to higher cognitive functions, including social behaviors.

In a recent study, a consortium of Research (Scientific research identifies in the first place all actions taken with a view to …) internationally including scholars from Inserm,University of Montpellier (The University of Montpellier was an educational institution…)The CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, better known by the acronym CNRS, is the largest…)From’institute (An institute is a permanent organization created for a specific purpose. It is…) Universities of Neuroscience, Autonomous University of Japan Barcelona (Barcelona (Barcelona in Catalan and Castilian) is a municipality in Catalonia – Spain, located …) (INc-UAB) (Spain) andUniversity of Lausanne (University of Lausanne (UNIL) is a university located in Lausanne, in…) (Switzerland) Find out how a . works neurotransmitter (Neurotransmitters, or neurotransmitters, are chemical compounds…) In the cerebellum (The cerebellum is an important structure of the brain (three-lamellar cortex), located under …)The dopamine (Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that belongs to the catecholamines and therefore comes from acid…)modulates social behavior by acting on a specific dopamine receptor called the D2R.

Use different models of the mouse (The term mouse is an obscure generic name that could be assigned to French speakers before…) And genetic tools, the researchers show that, in a specific type of cerebellar cell, changes in D2R levels alter social communication and preference for social novelty, without affecting motor functions.

these results, Published in the newspaper natural neuroscienceopens the way to a better understanding of some psychological disorders associated with social communication, such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD), bipolar disorders or Schizophrenia (The term schizophrenia generally includes a group…).

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Cerebellar dopamine D2 receptors regulate social behaviors
Laura Kotando, Emma Puigermanal, Laia Castell, Pauline Tarot, Morgan Bell, Federica Bertaso, Margherita Arango Livano, Fabrice Ango, Marcelo Rubinstein, Albert Quintana, Alain Chidotal, Manuel Mamili, Emmanuel Valgent.
natural neuroscienceJune 16, 2022 – DOI: 10.1038 / s41593-022-01092-8

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