Friday, October 18, 2024

Ottawa recognizes Métis autonomy in Manitoba

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

The Manitoba Metis Self-Government Recognition and Implementation Agreement was signed Tuesday at a ceremony in Winnipeg.

While the Métis is recognized as one of the indigenous peoples of Canada but not covered by Indian law, David Chartrand says that this agreement constitutes new stadium In signing the treaties the fact that this is the Metis Ottawa Treaty and not an Indian Law Agreement is welcomed.

This establishes once and for all MMF It is the government of the Métis peopleThe head of the organization is fired.

The Federal Minister for the Crown’s Relations with Indigenous Peoples Caroline Bennett was almost present from Toronto. It provided more details about the content of the document.

She said our government is committed to building a new type of relationship with Métis by promoting reconciliation and allowing them to respect their traditions, language and culture. This is a crucial step on the road to MMF towards autonomy.

The agreement contributes to progress of the law MMF To enact self-determination and autonomyCaroline Bennett, Declar.

Through this agreement, Canada recognizes MMF As the Métis government of Manitoba and its jurisdiction over its activities, including citizenship, the selection of its leaders, and the work of government, she explained.

These are essential functions of any governmentThe minister adds.

The event was attended by Liberal Representatives Dan Vandal, Jim Carr, Terry Duguid and Kevin Lamoreaux.

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There was no representative of the county. Person in charge of housing and property management MMF, Will Godon, acted as master of ceremonies and made several comments questioning the province’s obligation to Métis.

The relationship between MMF The boycott has been particularly stormy since Brian Pallister’s Progressive Conservative Party came to power.

Presidents Council protests

Shortly after the signing ceremony of the agreement between MMF and Ottawa, the Manitoba Council of Leaders issued a disapproving press release.

Senior captain Arlene Dumas blames Caroline Bennett for signing this deal Without considering the implications for indigenous rights and treaties of first nationsمم.

As partners in the original Crown Treaties, the First Nations had yet to gain the right to self-government in activities such as citizenship, elections, and the unrestricted work of their governments., he argues.

Arlen Dumas did not fail to emphasize the electoral nature of the signing of this agreement.

By signing this deal, Canada has now made it clear that it prioritizes mulattoes over First Nations, as the Liberal Party seeks a majority, as new federal elections approach., He says.

Grand Chef Dumas adds that this agreement take risks for the interests of first nations.

Several Métis autonomy agreements have been signed with Canada over the past two years, with First Nations being sued when they try to defend their treaty rights.Concludes.

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