Friday, October 18, 2024

Federal elections 2021: ‘Canadian creativity’ benefits foreign interests

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

In a letter published on Tuesday, 175 leaders of Canadian startups and tech companies called on leaders of federal political parties to stick to a stimulus plan they view as more, denouncing the passing on the fact that “Canadian innovation is currently profiting from foreign interests.

“A simple restart of the economy is not enough,” one could read in this letter. We must plan for Canada’s future if we are to stimulate and sustain economic growth. “

Among the signatories, we find leaders start And it created technology companies, such as Quebec companies Ligthspeed, Coveo and Dialogue. They ask the main party leaders — who call them by their first names — to take a stand: “Over the next four weeks, we want to hear about your plans to promote sustainable economic growth based on innovation.”

Especially since “Canadian creativity continues to benefit foreign interests,” they lament. Canada needs to adopt Made-in-Canada technologies and invest in competitive Canadian companies that are able to export their innovations around the world. “

concrete expectation

Party platforms are “completely public,” says Jean-le-Beauthelier, CEO of Qahash, a start Quebec specializes in cyber security. “I think it would be good to know precisely how they plan to do this so that companies here can compete in this specific context.”

Dans les dernières années, souligne-t-il, le Canada a mis en place des mesures qui ont eu pour effet « de dérouler le tapis rouge à des entreprises étrangères, ce qui crée beaucoup de compétition sur le plan de la main-d artistic work “.

He pointed out that remote work, which has been common since the beginning of the epidemic, has exacerbated this phenomenon. Foreign companies can take advantage of our strategic resources – talent and intellectual capital – without having to open offices here for employment. “

A similar story from Guillaume Bazinet, CEO of FX Innovation, a cloud solutions company. To attract technology companies, we often support foreign companies when there is a shortage of labor. Some of these companies do not necessarily report income here, so they are not involved in paying for our hospitals, schools, and roads. “

According to him, a “detailed and clear game plan” is crucial to ensuring, for example, proper training of employees in these ever-evolving sectors, even hiring talent from abroad. It sums up: “Currently there are a lot of initiatives, but no clear strategy.”

What awaits Canada if a strategy is not published? “We will stay in the current situation, which is far from very interesting compared to the US and European countries. And we risk ending up with an economy that lacks a tech workforce,” Mr. Bazinet replies.

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