Friday, October 18, 2024

Trump for vaccinations but against their commitment

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

Donald Trump himself declared on Wednesday his opposition to any obligation to give a vaccine against Covid-19, while recommending vaccination, during a rare interview with US public radio that ended abruptly by repeating his baseless accusations of a “rigged” election.

“Vaccines, I recommend taking them, but I think it should be an individual choice,” said the former Republican president of National Radio NPR, an unusual choice for a 70-year-old who is used to media preservatives.

Donald Trump, who remains a pivotal figure on the American right, has strongly criticized the idea of ​​compulsory vaccination, an option championed by the administration of his Democratic successor, Joe Biden.

“The (vaccine) commitments are very bad for our country,” he stressed by phone, “and they’re seriously hurting our economy.”

Asked about the 2020 presidential election, which he and his camp lost, Donald Trump reiterated, without evidence, that it was a “rigged election.”

Confronted by journalist Steve Inscape who contested election evidence without widespread fraud, to results ratified by his Republican allies, for example in Arizona, the former president responded as follows: “The number of ballots doesn’t mean anything! (The question) is Who signed the ballot papers, and where did the cards come from?

The billionaire considered it “helpful” to keep talking about the 2020 elections, so that voters worry about possible fraud in the midterm elections, next fall, and in 2024. “The only way it doesn’t repeat itself, is to solve this problem. The problem of the presidential election fake for 2020″.

Under pressure from the journalist, Donald Trump continued his criticism, but abruptly ended the interview, hung up on him with the words “Thank you very much Steve, thank you.”

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Last Thursday, during a speech marking the first anniversary of the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, Democrat Joe Biden attacked a “loser ex-president,” accusing him of “trying to prevent a peaceful transition of power.”

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