In mid-August, a team of astronomers released 690 images each corresponding to a different part of the sky, all representing the equivalent of a tenth of a full moon – or the equivalent of that part of the sky you can see through a straw. .
But the straw through which one can dive to see up to 13 billion light-years away. So each “straw” shows thousands, if not tens of thousands, of galaxies during different stages of their existence.
The team is called Surveying the early reality of cosmic evolution (CEERS), which is just one of many teams around the world that have booked observation time on James-Webb (JWST). Another team like this Posted on August 22 An image of Jupiter containing, in infrared, a wealth of details of its clouds that have not yet been seen – remember in passing that the new telescope also has the ability to observe objects that are astronomically very close to us.
As for CEERS, it is an international collaboration whose primary goal is to test and verify surveys of galaxies conducted prior to the JWST. Its mosaic of 690 images with a total rectangle of 31,000 x 10,000 pixels, makes it the largest survey of galaxies to date. The image below shows six of the things that can be observed across the entire mosaic, such as the spiral galaxy (1), and the interacting galaxy clusters (3 and 4).