Diagnosing cancer in a person with a disability, especially a mental one, is not easy. A steering committee will soon be formed: an agreement has just been signed.
Organizing regular screening for breast or colorectal cancer is usually not easy. This becomes more difficult when people have a disability, especially mental or behavioral disorders. That is why a partnership agreement was signed between the Association of Adults and Young People with Disabilities (APAJH) in Aude, the Occitanie Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center and Deputy Mireille Robert. “It is a step in a long way to reach care and health for vulnerable people.”, He insisted on the various partisans.
Training of workers in the field of medical and social support
Training of medical and social support personnel and access to information documents for greater understanding is at the heart of the procedures of this agreement. A steering committee will be established to coordinate actions and prioritize them. Mireille Robert, Member of Parliament for Aude, Jean-Claude Rouenet, President of APAJH Aude, Vice President of the APAJH Federation, and Antoine Khreich, Medical Director of the Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Center of Occitanie – signatories to this unprecedented agreement on national territory.