Friday, October 18, 2024

COVID-19: Quebec reports 960 additional cases, and 6 new deaths

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Quebec has reported 960 cases of COVID-19 and 6 deaths, bringing the total to 358,134 infected people and 10,987 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

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Status in Quebec as of May 9, 2021

  • 358134 injured (+960)
  • 10987 deaths (+6)
  • 539 people hospitalized (-8)
  • 124 people in intensive care (-6)
  • The number of samples taken was 29,582, for a total of 8,939,817
  • 76,166 doses of the vaccine were given yesterday, for a total of 3,718,074


  • Quebec has 4,549 case variants, according to figures from INSPQ.

Status report by region

  • Bas-Saint-Laurent: 3397 (+48)
  • Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 10453 (+19)
  • Capitale-Nationale: 31841 (+62)
  • Mauricie-et-Center-du-Québec: 14,550 (+44)
  • Estry: 13774 (+77)
  • Montreal: 127424 (+282)
  • Outaouais: 11652 (+36)
  • Abitibi-Témiscamingue: 1102 (+1)
  • North Shore: 547 (-)
  • Nord de Quebec: 95 (+1)
  • Gaspésie-les-de-la-Madeleine: 1898 (+11)
  • Chaudière-Appalaches: 17774 (+112)
  • Laval: 30324 (+54)
  • Lanaudière: 23343 (+27)
  • Laurentides: 12020 (+47)
  • Montérégie: 49293 (+138)
  • Nunavik: 46 (-)
  • Teres Chris De La By James: 119 (-)
  • Outside Quebec: 373 (+1)
  • The area to be identified: 9 (-)
  • Total: 358,134 confirmed cases

Report deaths by region

  • Bas Saint Laurent: 39
  • Saguenay Lac Saint Jean: 266
  • Capital National: 1095
  • Mauricie-et-Center-du-Quebec: 513
  • Istry: 334
  • Montreal: 4690
  • Ottawa: 205
  • Abitibi-Témiscamingue: 9
  • North Shore: 3
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Gaspésie-les-de-la-Madeleine: 45
  • Shoudyear Appalachia: 331
  • Laval: 904
  • Lanodier: 511
  • Laurentides: 499
  • Montreal: 1540
  • Nunavik: 0
  • Teres-Chris-de-la-Bay-James: 3
  • Outside Quebec: 0
  • The area to be identified: 0
  • Total: 10,987 deaths
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