(Surfside) Les opérations de recherches, interrompues le temps de la démolition du reste de l’immeuble qui s’était partiellement effondré à Surfside, ont repris lundi matin, même si les chances de retrouver des érovivs » seants sont Administrator.
With the approach of Storm Elsa and the strong winds it could bring with it, the authorities chose to accelerate the destruction of the building, which was deemed too unstable.
Local media reported that the “controlled” destruction occurred late Sunday, and searches resumed hours later under the rubble. Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniela Levine has deemed it “necessary to demolish the building” in order to “expand” the area that rescuers can access.
PHOTO GIORGIO VIERA, Agence France-Presse
Most of the building, called Champlain Towers South, collapsed in the middle of the night of June 24, killing at least 24 people and missing 121, one of the most serious urban disasters in US history.
Eleven days after the collapse, the chances of finding survivors under the rubble are “close to zero,” Golan Fach, the expert who heads one of the Israeli search teams on the spot, tells Local 10.
“We try to be optimistic, but also realistic,” he added.
“The circumstances we’ve seen are very difficult to say, in a professional way, that we think we have a good chance of finding someone alive,” said Mr Fach.
Only one survivor – a teenager – was pulled from the rubble in the first hours of relief operations. No other survivor was found despite the crowd of rescuers, who came from all over the United States, even from Israel and Mexico.
Among the missing were dozens of Latin Americans from Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay.
The collapse remains largely unexplained, although there are questions about the building’s maintenance and structure, nearby construction work, and the rising water level.
A report early in 2018 noted “significant structural damage,” as well as “cracks” in the building’s basement, according to documents released by the town of Surfside.
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