Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Alex McMahon is drenched in Star Academy craze

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

« star AcademyIt’s the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me, but I don’t wish that on anyone. With a big smile, Alex McMahon once again took the words of a friend to illustrate the madness in which he had been immersed since the beginning of the adventure.

The musical direction of the Sunday show is taking center stage in his life now. He spends the week in his studio making arrangements and weekends rehearsing with musicians and academics.

My family hasn’t seen me in 2 months, but they totally support me.

Quote from:Alex McMahon

It is literally a second family that he made for a few months with productions and musicians accompanying him. The days are very tough and tough, but we do have very satisfying times, especially on Sunday evenings.Citizen of Mauritius adds.

Among the highlights of the past few weeks, the musician identified the encounter last Sunday with the great Jeanette Reno. When she finished her song, she had to leave the stage quickly, but she insisted on meeting my eyes and sending me mouths to tell me she was happy., He says. It was a beautiful moment in my life as a musician.

The marathon continues for another four weeks. Alex McMahon wants to take advantage of every one of these moments because he’s also connected to academics and the team. The interview took place at Always in the morning, He even told Anne-Marie LeMay that he sometimes cries when a participant leaves because the bond is so strong.

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In a time of pandemic, as we currently live, it is important that we seize our opportunity and tripartite For what we doConcludes.

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