Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Amir Attran deserves the Order of Canada

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Professor Amir Attran should not simply be awarded the title of member or officer of the Order of Canada, the highest honorary honor in the country. Exceptionally, he must be a companion of the Canadian Medal of the highest standard of distinction because he has demonstrated exceptional stubbornness in defending the Canadian values ​​that Quebecers tarnish by their mere presence in the country. what I say. The High Chancellor’s Medal of Honor should be created for Canada.

Who else would have the courage to openly reflect what the English-speaking majority in Canada think of Quebecers. It perfectly embodies the Canadian people who, throughout its history, have shown nothing but magnanimity, openness, compassion, and tolerance towards all of the ethnic and cultural groups they have welcomed with open arms, from the Akkadians to the Japanese. Not to mention the Newfoundland Pitok.

Shame on the cowardice of University of Ottawa President Jack Fremont, who did not have the courage to join Attarians in denouncing the people of Quebec. This is what English Canada expected of him. Fremont should apologize for being so cowardly. He does not deserve a former chair of the Quebec Human Rights Commission, but he is keenly aware of the flaws that Quebecers suffer and draws to them the justified shame of Canadians.

Shocked at his banality, Justin Trudeau’s announcement: “As a Quebecer, I always feel sorry when people try to post terrible remarks to provoke anger, to get a little publicity.” Justin thus denies his father’s position which made this position one of the dominant ideas in his political life. Just Watch Me was released in 1970 before he put 497 innocent Quebecers in prison.

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How can Justin Trudeau distance himself from Attaran, the proud Canadian who sacrificed himself for the maple-covered country, wiping his shoes with Fleur de Lisse? He was expected to receive unconditional support for this brave Canadian of the right lineage of his father.

It is also unacceptable for Conservative Party leaders, like Trudeau, to fear siding with the person who has become the spokesman for his people, a symbol of “Canadian” national unity in the face of Quebec. Well, you have to understand that perfumers were a little different from conservatives He is accused of being the party of ignorant people. They really criticized him for being in the pocket of the liberals.

Leader of the New Democratic Party, Jagmit Singh, deserves to be nominated for the Medal of Canada. He was not afraid to defend his deputy, Matthew Green, who praised the perfumers for “keeping the path against the racism that he sees continuing in Quebec.” The only National Democratic Party representative in Quebec, Alexandre Puliris, did not take the opportunity. He first went there as well, supporting Green, which he felt was necessary, due to the weakness of the character, to alleviate the “cosmetic” condemnation of Attar.

But where are the liberal and conservative MPs from Quebec? I expected them to rise in enthusiasm for Emir Attran, who was unfairly treated because he had dared to tell Quebecers their four truths. How can they agree to represent their constituents in Quebec, wrapped in fear in a rickety “North Alabama” run by the “white fanatic” government. Come on guys and quit girls! This is the gesture that English Canada expects in solidarity with this great Canadian.

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I hope the Attars case does not end there. A broad popular movement must be manifested in all Canadian provinces and territories so that, as a first step, we give refuge to people fleeing “systemic racism” to Quebecers before embarking on political steps to exclude Quebec from the Canadian Union.

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