Friday, October 18, 2024

Artists are “pleading” with Legault to reopen theaters

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Associations of artists, creators and musicians are returning to the charge after written opinions revealed to the public that public health had recommended, since September, the government to allow theaters and theaters to reopen.

The Canadian Press

“Now that it is clear that public health favors the opening of theaters, the curfew should not be a hindrance to artistic production or distribution,” they wrote in a statement on Monday. “Society really needs a clear signal from the government and we are appealing to Mr. Legault to quickly express his intentions regarding To reopen theaters. ”

The Performing Arts and Performing Arts sector, which is believed to be “hardest hit by the pandemic by closing it to the public for nearly a year,” states that the longer the reopening is delayed, “the more difficult it will be to confront it.”

The letter was jointly signed by the National Union for Communication and Culture (FNCC-CSN), the Union of Artists (UDA), the Guild of Musicians and Musicians of Quebec (GMMQ), the Association of Arts Professionals in the Scene du Quebec (APASQ), and the Quebec Association of Playwrights (AQAD) TRACE, an acronym for Workers Grouped Together in Arts, Culture and Events.

“The public also has a real need to reconnect with the performing arts and the ability to leave their bubble from time to time,” notes Sheeran Figaro, TRACE spokesperson. With curfews and a ban on indoor gatherings, residents should be encouraged to attend safe and controlled public places such as places of spreading culture. It’s good for everyone’s spirits! ”

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Sophie Brigent, president of the Association for Community Development, asks if “without shutting down the entire sector.” [il serait] Distribution areas can be opened and closed individually in the event of an outbreak, as is the case in most other work or school settings. ”

Prime Minister Legault justified last week his decision to allow the reopening of cinemas and not theaters, explaining that he wants to limit reopening, and that cinemas allow, according to him, the occupation of children during spring break and 10 days before reopening. It was not enough to allow theaters to resume in the red.

“The performing arts community is extremely diverse,” Marie-Yves Gagnon, General Manager of AQAD, responded in a press release. While some major productions are not yet ready to perform, there are a host of other types of performances that can adapt and reach audiences quickly. ”

The written notices circulating on Friday revealed that, as of September 27, Dr.s Horacio Arruda recommended that performance halls, cinemas, theaters, houses of worship and restaurants be left open with certain restrictions (one address per table).

The National Director of Public Health also returned to the charge several times in this regard last fall, if we are to rely on his written opinions.

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