Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Asterix, Tintin and Lucky Luke keep their skins in Laval

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

The story begins before the summer, long before the controversy over the books destroyed by the Ontario School Board, who has traveled the world.

Those in charge of the Laval Primary School library noted that they lacked space on their shelves to hold new books.

When this type of situation occurs, the school service center offers its support in choosing the structures to be trimmed in order to save space.

On June 14, the librarian responsible for educational and documentary services at CSS de Laval, Ingrid Lecours, sent a 92-page list with books to be collected. An objective standard has been maintained: the works selected are those over ten years old that have not been borrowed for at least seven years, either by a pupil or by a teacher.

In short, no one will miss them.

Quote from:Ingrid Lecours, librarian in charge of educational and documentary services at the scolaire de Laval Service Centre, in an email June 14, 2021

So far, the process is similar to what is usually done in school libraries. The surprise comes on page 39 of the list attached to the email we got.

A red box has been added, in the margin, that contrasts with the rest of the books listed. There is also written withdrawal The whole group from : The 4 aces; Asterix; good luck; The Adventures of Van Inventor; Tintin And The Adventures of Hugo and Margo.

In her email, Ingrid Lakers asked library volunteers and school officials not to keep it of books that are already in very, very good condition (max: 30%).

The rest should be recycled (if necessary, shred the books so that the citizens do not think these books are still good).

Quote from:Ingrid Lecours, librarian in charge of educational and documentary services at the scolaire de Laval Service Centre, in an email June 14, 2021

Another school librarian in Laval confirmed that Tintin, Lucky Luke and Asterix books were still widely borrowed by children. Why would you want to add them to books to throw them away?

The trim was only intended to make room in the library for more modern, more attractive volumes for younger readers., answers to Assistant Director of Communications at CSS de Laval, Annie Jewett.

There was no value judgment in any way. […] If you think that this process has any connection with the content of some potentially controversial work, then I assure you that it is not.

Quote from:Annie Jewett, Assistant Director of Communications at the Laval School Service Center

It states that, in any case, The final decision is up to the school.

Cartoons of Tintin, Asterix and Lucky Luke, some of which date back to the beginning of the last century, are criticized by some for the stereotypes they contain about indigenous people, black people, and Asians. In Canada and Europe, groups have already called for some titles to be withdrawn.

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After Radio Canada asked questions, a meeting took place last week between Simon-Vanier School management and those in charge of the library.

Annie Jewett says some opinions were mixed. Some managers wanted to keep books with trim recommendations, while others wanted to get rid of them to make room for new, more modern collections.

Then the administration decided: save the books and put them in a better condition, even if they are on the list Featured in the Library.

However, Annie Jewett warns, If these books remain on the shelves and are not borrowed by students, they can be trimmed as a second step.

In collaboration with Justine Cohendet and Felix Lemieux

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