Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Biden’s success depends on reforming the Senate

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

The Democratic stimulus package is a huge achievement, but to fulfill his agenda, Joe Biden must turn the Senate upside down. It would be an epic struggle.

Back home, Senate reform debates are startlingly boring, but in the United States today it is a vital issue. Debate rages in Washington over the Senate business rules in August, and Machiavelli himself will learn a lot by observing the main characters.

To succeed in his presidency, Joe Biden needs to rock hard this establishment as he spent 36 years of his life.

The Disabled On the carpet

The founders wanted to make the Senate a chamber for deliberation among the sages, not a partisan arena.

It was in this context of unlimited deliberations that DisabledWhich is to prevent voting by consuming debate time that the proponents of apartheid in the south used to delay the civil rights march.

To get around this strategy, we introduced the rule of closing discussions, by a supermajority of 60 votes. Rarely did the closing votes become the norm and give the minority an immense thwarted power.

The power of the two medians

Gradually, this base was trimmed. In response to Barack Obama’s systematic ban on appointments, Democrats created a simple majority fence for appointments except for the Supreme Court. The Republicans then rescinded the exception to secure the appointment of conservative judges.

With the exception of “budget compromise” votes, such as Biden’s stimulus package and tax reform to his predecessor, all bills should have the support of 60 senators, which is difficult in an environment where the slightest concession is seen by many as high treason.

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Today the majority of Democrats want the lockdown eased, but some are resisting.

The “founders” are reluctant to mess with the rules, especially since they fear arbitrariness if Republicans once again become the majority. For some Democrats from conservative states, such as Joe Mansion of West Virginia, this rule avoids voting on measures that are too progressive for their voters, without disturbing their democratic base.

its war

The stakes are huge. As we’ve seen with the minimum wage of $ 15, virtually all progressive measures in the Democratic program are doomed to thwart.

Joe Biden is seeking to reach a compromise that would allow, among other things, to be exempt from it Disabled Human Resources Bill 1, which deals with, among other things, access to voting and election financing.

Republican leader Mitch McConnell threatens to paralyze the Senate if the Democrats change measures, though no one doubts they would do the same if the tables turned.

The Democrats may regret loosening the rules if they lose their fragile majorities, but many voices are calling for it to eventually become possible for the majority party in Congress and the presidency.

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