Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Call for Projects – Tenth Edition “Science of Art”

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

experience joy

With its location within the Essonne grounds, CC91 supports the production and distribution of contemporary works at the crossroads of the fields of art and science. These original meetings led to technical proposals being presented in about thirty municipalities, communes, agglomerations and cultural association venues in Essonne. Reception areas may not be specifically designated for exhibitions (media libraries, high schools, nurseries, etc.).

External suggestions are possible.


  • Keep The production and distribution of contemporary artworks at the crossroads of the fields of art and science.
  • boost Collaboration between artists and scholars resulting in long-term projects.
  • Closer more Audiences of Contemporary Art Forms.
  • to discover Differently from the scientific research of the general public in Essonne
  • behold In a participatory way local structures (social, educational, cultural and scientific) in a joint project in order to connect the entire region.

Specific area, diverse audience, innovative approach

Territory establishing several universities and research centers, Essonne concentrates nearly 15% of French research.

Since its inception, CC91 has wanted to advance its vision of culture through affordable, high-quality art projects. Naturally, “La Science de l’Art” arose, a contemporary art biennale that shares the spotlight with science. With each edition, new partners join the project allowing the festival to expand to the department and also to Ile-de-France.

In order to reach a wide audience and provide them with reading keys for a better understanding of the project, each work will be accompanied by mediation procedures: conferences, discussions, literary breakfasts and lunches, activities around the youth audience, meetings, workshops… These actions allow the Biennale to remain accessible to all while maintaining the quality of art contemporary.

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1. Selection criteria

CC91 is looking for artists and companies who want to build work in collaboration with a scientist around the topic: Experience Joy.

The work may be already finished and ready for distribution, in progress, in pre-production, or tailor-made under Art Science 2021. It will be judged on the following criteria: originality, relevance to the subject and artistic quality.

2. Choose Artists

the first Stage The selection committee will pre-select the files on the basis of their content including:

• Letter of Intent

• CV

• Presentation of the project and its inclusion in the topic

• Presentation of recent work and technical approach (location, etc.)

• Administrative file: name, address, contact … SIRET number, Maison des Artistes / AGESSA registration number …

The submission deadline is September 11, 2022

Second Stage The projects selected by the committee will be presented to the partners.

The selection of your project by one of them will validate the job offer at the festival.

3. Project progress

The call for projects was launched over a year before the event in order to allow artist(s) and scholar(s) to collaborate at every stage of the creative process.

CC91, thanks to the arts and sciences pole, takes care of putting you in touch with a scientist whose field of research is as closely aligned as possible with the approach taken. If you are already working with a scientist, this collaboration can continue within the framework of the festival. The work produced will be presented in the structure of the partner who has chosen your business.

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4. Fee and production support

CC91 will provide funding for the work, broken down into fees as well as production assistance.

5. Cultural works (my choice)

If this is suggested with the business, please provide a brief description (10 lines) as well as a budget forecast.

Estimated budget

Estimated budget image.  jpg

Practical information

Application deadline: September 11, 2022

The application is sent via email: [email protected]

or by mail :

A gathering of culture in Essonne

The swimming pool off 14 rue Léo Lagrange 91700 Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois

Contact: 01 69 46 01 78 /

[email protected]

Artists can register via this internet form

Invitation to download projects

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