Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Canada must support the geopolitical changes taking place in the Middle East

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

As the world’s eyes turn on Russia’s brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, the conflict that is sending Europe back to the worst hours of the 20th century.And the A century, another region is undergoing major geopolitical shifts, which creates an unimaginable opportunity not so long ago to achieve lasting peace throughout this part of the world.

Posted at 2:00 pm.

Richard Marceau

Richard Marceau
Vice President of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA)

On March 27 and 28, the Negev Summit was held in Israel with the presence of the foreign ministers of the State of Israel, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Bahrain, as well as the Secretary of State of the United States. This summit would not have taken place without the implicit agreement of this other Arab giant: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which adds to the summit’s importance and importance. These important developments are the fruit of the Abraham agreements signed in 2020.

The summit comes just days after Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Egyptian President El-Sisi and Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed met in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Sde Boker: A Powerful Symbol of Israel’s Acceptance

The summit took place in Sde Boker, a village known only for its association with the founder of the State of Israel, David Ben-Gurion. The code is strong. Comment ne pas voir dans ce sommet tenu, à cet endroit spécifique, un hommage appuyé par des acteurs centraux du monde arabe à l’homme qui, plus que tout autre, est responsable de la renaissance de l’Étatles traances jules de dan Section ? Peace can only be imagined when each side recognizes the existence of the other, and Israel has not stopped asking its neighbors to register the reality of its existence.

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This meeting, which was attended by the foreign ministers of four major Arab countries, is another sign of an important realignment of powers in the Middle East. The Palestinian lockdown – which for more than 70 years has prevented any progress – has been lifted. Years ago, the Arab world stopped giving Palestinian leaders self-imposed veto power over any development toward peace.

Acceptance of this new reality is confirmed by the presence of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The Abraham Accords, once seen as “Trump’s patent,” are now part of US geopolitical strategy and have the support of both Democrats and Republicans.

The Israeli-Palestinian problem has not disappeared – and it would be wrong to view it as such – but it is no longer able to define the relationship of forces in the region and the endless and constantly renewed theory that only its solution can bring peace to the region. The Middle East has failed.

However, this new dynamic can allow the Palestinians to seize the opportunity to establish real peace with the Israelis on a model that establishes dialogue between peoples.

This summit also demonstrates an affirmation of a certain US withdrawal from the region, while Iran displays its power and asserts its ambitions for hegemony, and may be on the verge of becoming a nuclear power.

Israel is at the heart of global diplomacy

This intense regional diplomatic activity must also be viewed in a more global context, marked by Russian aggression in Ukraine.

The Israeli prime minister is the first world leader to meet with Putin after the start of hostilities, which he did in coordination with France, Germany and the United States. Ukrainian President Zelensky has publicly asked Bennett to continue his mediation efforts.

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As a small – but loud – group of anti-Israel activists continue their efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state, drawing on NGOs with a deeply aligned anti-Israel agenda, world leaders are acutely aware that this small country has an important role to play on the world stage. This is the reason for the failure of attempts to isolate them one after the other.

These Jewish-Arab relations, rather than being viewed as detrimental to the status of the Palestinians and their very legitimate desire to establish their own state, should serve as a lever for the realization of a two-state solution for two peoples, the only way to a just future for these two states.

Canada must take on the role of the Middle East in the twenty-first centuryAnd the century

The Negev Summit, like the intense diplomatic activity that preceded it, indicates a genuine acceptance of the legitimacy of the Jewish state in the region.

It is clear that tectonic plates are moving in the Middle East. Canada must take this into account, actively participate in it and play a role in it. Not only as a matter of principle in order to support this move towards peace, but also to protect and develop its interests, especially economic ones. It is in our best interest.

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