Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Carré Décarie Vaccination Clinic | Painful waiting for a second dose جرعة

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

The people, often elderly, who presented themselves at the Carré Décarie vaccination clinic on Wednesday afternoon had to be patient. Some had to wait about two hours to receive the injection. A setback caused in part by a new directive that invites certain users who are unable to submit their second dose using the Clic Santé portal to come in person to the vaccination clinic.

Ariane LaCourcier

Ariane LaCourcier

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque

Around 2:30 PM About 300 people who had made an appointment were waiting in the corridors of the Carré Décarie shopping center amid a certain chaos. There were a handful of chairs available for these people, many of whom appeared to be well over seventy, to rest while they waited.

Silvia Vendetti was there with her 91-year-old mother who was expecting her second dose. Quite at the back of the majestic queue, mI Vindetti couldn’t explain the “lack of organization”. “There are people everywhere. Several lines… How do we know it’s our turn?” she asked. Monique Savage, for her part, managed to anticipate her second dose on the Clic Santé stand on Tuesday morning. “It was completely free today. I was not waiting for this! ’ said the lady, pointing to the solemn queue.

At about 3 pm, the security guard called people who had an appointment at 1:30 pm to go a little further. Several people with pedestrians and sticks moved quietly. Some struggled to hide their frustration as security guards shouted their heads and told people to respect the two-metre distance. It was also pointed out that the wait was not long for the first dose.

At CIUSSS du Center-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, it was explained that the high attendance observed at Carré Décarie on Wednesday was partly due to the fact that people who had tried to change their appointment online on the Clic Santé platform were invited, but who They received an error message, since Wednesday to come in person to the vaccination clinic in their area to correct their information.

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Since Monday, people eligible to deliver their second dose have found it difficult to get the procedure on the web.

The Clic Santé platform is up and running, the Department of Health and Social Services (MSSS) explains. But once a data entry error occurs when the first appointment is made, people can’t anticipate their second dose on the web.

At the Carré Decari clinic, Theodora, 72, explained Journalism So she can get her second dose from her mother, Tamara, 91, who will be vaccinated on Thursday. “But I couldn’t find my profile by Clic Santé,” she said.

She called the phone support line, where she was asked to come in person to the vaccination clinic to have her case resolved. The CIUSSS du Center-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal says it has “given tickets over time to get the vaccine back”. “But many decided to stay on the waiting list,” which explains the crowding observed, CIUSSS notes.

Quebec expands its mobile clinic offering

On Wednesday afternoon, the Ministry of Health announced that it is expanding its outpatient offering to facilitate the administration of the second dose for Quebecers who wish to advance their injection appointment.

MSSS acknowledges that “some people have had some difficulties with Clic Santé and have not been able to bring their appointment” since this new phase of the vaccination campaign was published on June 7. According to MSSS, the situation “may be due to a discrepancy in personal information or a loss of information when scheduling the first dose.”

Health Minister Christian Duby confirmed that more than 200,000 people had made their appointments since Monday, including 100,000 on Wednesday. In total, 3 million people will be able to submit their appointment in the coming weeks. As we have done from the beginning, we follow what is happening on the field and correct the shot when necessary.”

MSSS notes that people who are unable to register online to apply for their second dose can go to a walk-in clinic to correct incorrect information and receive the second dose, if the vaccine was offered in the first dose. MSSS also confirms that the no-appointment clinic service offering will be expanded until this type of clinic becomes available in every district. Another possibility is to keep his original assignment date, as written.

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CISSS and CIUSSS will be responsible for expanding their offering. On Wednesday afternoon, the CIUSSS Center-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal just announced that it will expand its outpatient offering and increase its operating hours starting Thursday.

So far, 643,000 Quebecers have received their second dose, which is 7.5% of the population. Quebec must administer 5 million second doses by the end of August to reach its goal of covering 75% of those 12 years of age or older. This represents an average of 59,200 doses per day. Currently, Quebec administers an average of 23,000 second doses per day, or a quarter of the daily intake. However, this percentage is rising rapidly.

recent arrival

At the moment, it is possible to offer a second injection to those who have received a first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Ottawa confirmed Wednesday that Canada will receive 7 million doses of the Moderna vaccine by the end of June. “Thanks to this announcement, we will quickly be able to anticipate second doses for those who have received Moderna,” Minister Dubey said, also on Twitter.

We are waiting for details from the federal government on the number of doses. He added that once we have the confirmations, we will give the indications to move forward with the appointments of the willing.

For those who received the AstraZeneca vaccine in the first dose and wish to keep the same vaccine for the second dose, it is possible to go to a clinic without an appointment, or make an appointment at Clic Santé — some beaches have been open recently, MSSS confirms. On the other hand, for those who wish to switch to an mRNA vaccine, it is not currently possible to make an appointment. “At the end of the 16-week period, the exchange of vaccines will be possible,” the ministry says. Thus, a person who has received a first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine must wait for its due date at 16 weeks after the first dose, if they wish to receive the Pfizer vaccine on the second dose. ”

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On Wednesday, the governorate recorded 178 new cases of COVID-19, and 8 deaths. Hospitalizations continued to decline, and there were 257 on Wednesday, down 6 compared to the day before. The number of intensive care patients did not budge, and 60 patients remained.

Regarding vaccination, 74,208 doses have been administered in the past 24 hours.

With Pierre-Andre Normandin, Melanie Marquez and Judith LaChapelle, Journalismand the Canadian press

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