Friday, October 18, 2024

Children’s remains found in Kamloops | O’Toole Was Concerned About Canada Day Canceled

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

(Ottawa) Conservative leader Erin O’Toole worries that Canada Day will be canceled after the shocking discovery of Kamloops in British Columbia.

Katherine Levesque
Canadian Press

In the past few days, Canadian municipalities have announced that they will cancel celebrations scheduled for 1he is July this year, after the remains of 215 children were discovered on the site of a former Indian residential school. Others have already revised their plans due to the pandemic.

S’dressant à son caucus, mercre, M. O’Toole s’est di inquiet de voir que « lest injustices du passé et du présent sont trop souvent saisies par petit groupe d’activistes qui les utilis utilis pourém attaquer l’ême pourém from Canada.” He said he could not “keep silent” when some were proposing to “cancel” Canada Day.

That’s why he promises, next year, once the pandemic has passed, “the biggest Canadian day the country has ever seen.”

In an election attack, Mr. O’Toole resurrected the specter of Harper’s Liberals, Bloc and NDP coalition, adding the Canadian Green Party, to portray them as “the same”.

He said Canadians, when the time comes to vote, will have two options: the Conservatives on one side, and a coalition of left-wing parties on the other.

Afterwards, Mr. O’Toole spoke to the Kiepers, telling them that they no longer had to be “satisfied” with the Liberals or the Bloc. He begged the Conservative Party as “a nationalist party that looks and understands you”.

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Parliamentary work ends Wednesday.

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