Monday, March 10, 2025

Cleaning operation around the Sept-El archipelago

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

This marine wreck includes five lobster traps and more than 700 meters of rope.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada uses the term ghost gear to refer to fishing gear that has been lost, abandoned, or thrown into the water. These are, for example, nets, ropes, traps, traps or floats.

Thanks to the approximate location of some missing equipment, but above all to the local knowledge of the fishermen [le comité Zone d’intervention prioritaire Côte-Nord] Proceed to recover stealth gear using the grappling hook systemCan we read a press release from the organization.

One of five snow crab pots was recovered.

The marine debris found includes a total of five snow crab pots, which are in a state of too degraded to be reused by fishermen.

Photo: Courtesy of ZIP Côte-Nord du Golfe du Saint-Laurent

The seafloor cleanup included six cruises, explains Fernanda Romero, project manager on the commission priority area of ​​intervention From the northern coast of the Gulf.

Most of the gear we found and were able to retrieve was during the last day of hunting. We almost gave up hope, because it was a small project. It’s really in the past [sortie en mer] We got the machines backas you say.

woman sitting on the sea

Fernanda Romero, Project Manager on the ZIP Committee at Gulf North Shore.

Photo: Jean-Louis Bordeleau

The five snow crab pots were in very poor condition. According to Fernanda Romero, it will not be reused by fishermen. But in the next project, if we find machines in good condition, they will be given to their owners.notes.

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Much of the material in the Sept-Ile water was returned to the Le Var recycling center in Port-Cartier.

We always try to recover or reuse as much material as possible. »

Quote from Fernanda Romero, Project Manager on the ZIP Committee, Gulf North Shore

This North Shore project is titled Identification and recovery of fishing gear lost in coastal waters for the month of Septemberfunded by $41,005 from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

Fernanda Romero points out that this initiative As the first step. As part of this project, we are developing an action plan to prepare [d’autres] Projects on the North Shoreas you say.

This action plan, which will be published in about a monthshould help the organization determine if other projects to recover stealth equipment can be undertaken in the area.

The Commission priority area of ​​intervention De la Côte Nord de Golf is responsible for the area extending from Port Cartier to Blanc Sablon. its goals To protect and enhance the St. Lawrence River, raise public awareness of environmental problems and encourage the implementation of concrete actions for the environmental rehabilitation of the river.

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