Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Collect his medals? Megan Benvito “cleaves his fingers”

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Benvito captured in a team all morningTuesday, on ICI-Canada Radio Première, about this fire that, fortunately, did not result in any casualties.

The 31-year-old submarine said to herself Pampered From the support she and her husband, football player Alexandre Dupuy, have been receiving since Thursday. However, she wanted to return to training as soon as possible, to clear her mind.

this is good. People were there for me. “My team is amazing,” said Benvito, who is preparing for the Tokyo Olympics. My coach was very funny, trying to joke a little bit. It was good to be around people.

According to her, investigators are still trying to understand the cause of the fire. However, he was told that for some reason still unknown, the building’s balcony could have caught fire, which could have detonated the propane gas cylinder. The barbecue to which the cylinder was attached was not lit at the time of the accident.

I was on my phone when I heard an explosion, Benvito said. I looked at my balcony and saw the flames. I took my coat, my scarf, put on my shoes and called 911. I went to see if the guy downstairs was right. He told me it was. We went outside.

When winter comes, take your coats, put on your shoes, and go straight out. The firefighters told me my reaction was the best I could possibly get.

Megan Benvito

Among all the possessions that emitted smoke were his three Olympic medals. The diver explained that upon his arrival at the scene of the accident, her husband asked the firefighters if they could be rescued.

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It was ultimately impossible to do so, as the floors began to crumble after a few minutes. Steps have been taken with the Canadian Olympic Committee to recover the medals.

Will I take them back? I have no idea yet, admit Benvito. The process started. But I think it will be possible. Other athletes lost it. Others were robbed. And they got their medals. I cross my fingers, but it definitely won’t be the same. We are in good health, I am right, my friend is right, that is what matters.

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