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Covid-19: a peritoneal doctor to strengthen friendships that characterize “young patients”

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Web Writing (with Ouest-France) / Photo JME (France – Antilles)
Friday, August 13, 2021 – 3:11 pm

125 caregivers arrived Tuesday evening (August 10) from France to lend a helping hand to medical teams in Martinique, facing an unprecedented fourth wave of the coronavirus.

Doctors, nurses, caregivers, physiotherapists (etc…) Arrived on Tuesday evening in Martinique Across France, except for areas already under the Covid strain. The next morning, they were assigned to different departments of the CHUM and to the Saint-Paul Clinic. In total, 125 caregivers were mobilized for two weeks.

In response to a question from our colleagues from the regional press, several of them gave their first impressions. This is the case of Dr. Homauon Alipor, Head of the Pain Assessment and Treatment Unit and the Ambulatory Palliative Care Unit at Saint-Brieuc, Interview with the newspaper Ouest-France.

“It took us half a day to learn about computer tools that are not the same. But the IT department has supported us like never before. I am very impressed and moved by the warm and gracious attitude of the caregivers and patients, with the Modesty is rarely known in France.

‘Heavy emotional burden’

“Inside the hospital, except for oncology and emergency, the rest of the activity has been completely halted and services are dedicated to Covid,” he explains.

He says he is distinguished by the “young patients of the hospital”: “In my unit of about twenty beds, there are only three or four people over the age of sixty. The patients are 30, 35, 40 years old. It was not our daily bread during the first wave in France And there is this constant flow of new patients every day.”

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For this experienced doctor, “the emotional burden is heavy.” There are about ten deaths a day. Yesterday, a patient in hospital for Covid was given leave, accompanied by caregivers, to attend the funeral of her husband who died of Covid. I saw a young mother in intensive care, who was given general anesthesia and artificial ventilation. She woke up a few days ago. She speaks eagerly and cannot put two sentences together without a lack of air.”
Dr. Alipur sees vaccination as the only effective way out.
√ Read the full interview hereI am on the Ouest-France website

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