The film, adapted from a short story by Luigi Pirandello, tells the story of a woman who, out of benevolence, takes in her ex-husband who has been lost from his cell. The new widow arrives home with her three daughters from her second husband.
into the display microphone always in the morning Bernard Emond says he decided that Trois-Rivieres would be the setting for the film: I chose Trois-Rivières in the early thirties, first of all, I find the architectural heritage of old Trois-Rivières unusual, it is a unique collection.
As the city’s industrial history challenges him: The fact that CIP was, at one point, the largest paper mill in the world, juxtaposed the working-class and bourgeois pasts because Trois-Rivieres was a city of notables.
The director also feels a special connection to the city because he often comes to present his films on the cinema campus.
Tough shoot
The film crew had to deal with adverse weather conditions according to the director, but they managed to shoot all the scenes.
Historical photography also comes with some challenges: We had to replace road signs, cover the asphalt with snow so we wouldn’t see the bike paths, and hide the contemporary elements.
choice distribution
The cast consists of Martin Dubrouet, Paul Savoy, Brigitte Lafleur and Helen Florent, whom the director described as remarkable: Helen is unusually beautiful in her highly bourgeois character, very beautiful and very straight. Really, she has a great presence.
Filming ends in Trois-Rivieres today. All interior scenes will be filmed in a studio in Montreal.
the movie respectable woman It should hit theaters in the winter or spring of 2023.