Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Faculty of Law, Economics and Politics of Nevers, a privileged place for 150 students

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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André Dauteribes for “at least two and seven years” served as Branch Chair of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Politics. The director saw that the Nevers website was developing. Today, 150 students are spread over the three training levels: License 1, License 2, and Course License (Bachelor of Public Administration).

A bit of history and evolution. The Faculty of Law, Economics and Politics of the University of Burgundy in Dijon has been decentralized to Nevers since 1988. “At first, we only received the first years, then this extended to the second years and now we offer a degree in public administration”, summarizes André Dauteribes, who also mentions Isat (The Higher Institute of Automobiles and Transport and Inspe (Institut Nationale supérieure d’Education) are two other positions at the University of Burgundy on the Neversois site. Not to mention the youngest of them, BUT Informatique (Bachelor of Technology from the university), its second-year students will join the Faculty of Law at the beginning of the year school in September.“Two rooms will be provided,” André Dautéribes notes.

A few words also about the two-year Diploma in Legal Capacity at Nevers during the evening classes. “People who work or who are retrained can follow it. We have young people who did not get the bac. It is a very useful training that allows you to get a legal diploma equivalent to a bac.”

reception capacities. The number of students registered in the Faculty of Law is 150 students distributed over the three levels. Places are limited to 110 students in the first year. “Otherwise it would require an extension of the building,” the director notes. About fifteen teachers, from Dijon, Paris or even legal specialists in Nevers, especially lawyers, teach the courses.

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Back to covid. With Covid, over the past two years, the daily lives of law school students have been shaken. It was very difficult to predict things. We had to adapt to apps like Teams”, notes André Dauteribes. The Computer Center of the University of Burgundy loaned computers “to students who didn’t have any.” Internet subscriptions were issued to those who were “in financial difficulties.” If the pandemic resumes, “all our students They have a specific law school email address.”

Training in state services

configurations. During the visit of Frederic Vidal, Friday, January 21, then Minister of Education, a partnership agreement was signed to facilitate the sponsorship of law school trainees in the province. There are four students in an internship. Duration is variable. The agreement that was extended: “The governor suggested that we receive trainees in all state departments. It is interesting for them. This shows them how the institutions work and opens up the prospects for them to work.” For several years, the Faculty of Law has been seeking to conclude an agreement with the National School of Public Finance (Gonzag Street). Free training in preparation for public finance competitions is open to scholarship students. “Some of our students have passed these specialized competitions.”

Parkorsup. Together with his colleague Henriette Bricquet, Director of First Year Studies, André Dauteribes, is a member of the Parcoursup Committee. In law, for Nevers, requests are pouring in. “We have approximately 400 wishes in the first year for a capacity of 110 students.” Students are ranked from 1 to 400, “High school students multiply their wishes. 270 definitively rejected Nevers’ proposal. From the scales, about 70 agreed to Nevers’s wishes.”

exams. It took place at the end of April and the beginning of May. The deliberations took place at the end of May. The catch-up session recently ended. Between the two sessions, there should be a delay of fifteen days.

Back to school 2022. After the recess that will begin on Wednesday, July 13 for teachers and a week later for Trustees, until registration closes, the date is set for Thursday, September 1. The back-to-school meeting for teachers and administrative staff is held at 10:30 a.m. Students return immediately thereafter. “On Thursday and Friday, we give them private lessons. The second year students are responsible for introducing them to the university.”

meetings. The year 2022 marks the 300th anniversary of the founding of the University of Burgundy, which was founded on September 26, 1722. Demonstrations were organized in various locations. Further meetings are scheduled for September. In Nevers, it will be with music with the Novosonic Festival, Wednesday 14 September, in the evening, open to the public. On December 14 and 15, the 89 campuses connected to Isat and the Faculty of Law will be assembled.

Awards for the best students

Suspended for two years with Covid-related health restrictions, Wednesday afternoon, at law school, we resumed the award ceremony tradition for the best students. The winners of the three levels were invited with their relatives to the award ceremony which was distributed by the local authorities (District, City and Nevers Aglo), the University of Burgundy and institutions representing the legal professions.

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During the award ceremony for the best students. Pierre-Alex Divaoko (second from left) won three out of four awards in his first year.

Four awards in the first year were awarded to Pierre-Alex Defauko who won three awards and Justin Brie; Four sophomore awards, congratulations to Juliette Guillerault, Lina Revigno, Chloe Ginot, Pauline Lagneau; Two prizes in the third year were both distributed to Clementine Nadjao Petit.

19-year-old Pierre-Alex Divauxo has chosen to turn to law since his college years. As for his future profession, it has not yet been determined. “The law is so broad. An interest in public service seems to be awakening, even revealing itself more precisely to become a commissioner of justice, “Like next year, we find out the criminal.” He loves Nevers Law School. “It’s a small college. this is my city. It is a good move to go to a bigger city to continue your studies. The student looks at this first year of law, which was rather difficult. “It is very difficult. I was learning every day and every night. Before the partial portions, it was from eight in the morning until ten in the evening, for two or three weeks. Before the second year began, the young man would take a few days of well-deserved rest with his grandparents.”

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of certificates of achievement to young people who completed their year in the Faculty of Law.

Gwenola Chambalon

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