Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Film shot in Normanden starring Cannes

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Tony Vaughn
Tony Vaughn
"Total creator. Evil zombie fan. Food evangelist. Alcohol practitioner. Web aficionado. Passionate beer advocate."

With lost in paradise, Director Virgil Rattle is an integral part of the world of teenagers living in the outback. Her journey has been a long process since the start of the pandemic.

Like the majority of Quebecers, when the pandemic arrived (in March 2020), everyone was in lockdown, and then in the spring, when the weather started to be nice, I started working again. Ski I came back to live a bit like a 15-year-old teenager, i.e. no responsibility for adults, a lot of free time and I can do it Ski whenever you want. It was really when I went to the skate park in Chicoutimi and heard a little eight-year-old trying a maneuver that he had never succeeded in and started cursing like a 60-year-old man, I said to myself, There’s somethingHe said to the presentation microphone public place, Friday.

He does not hide it: he was the first person to be surprised when he learned that his work would be shown in short film corner The short film version of the Cannes Film Festival.

Personally, I never expected this. I had an idea that about three people would watch this movie in the back of a basement at a dark festival in Bulgaria. When I found out she was taken for Cannes, it was a bloody surprise, He said.

impressive testimonials

The director was stunned by the secrets gathered from dozens of young people behind his lens. These young men were recruited after visiting Polyvalente de Normandin. Choose the heroes using the answers they gave to a questionnaire related to the topic of the documentary.

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I discovered guys who really love their area. Honestly, I had the idea that young people wanted to get away from their territory, abandon these big empty spaces and try to discover the city, but in the end, it’s quite the opposite.said Virgil Rattle, who is from Monterrey.

He believes that coming from outside the region helped him direct his short film. This allowed her to take a step back and notice the items she identifies differently.

The film will be shown at other festivals in the coming months. Virgil Ratel still does not know when it will be available to the public in Quebec.

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