Friday, October 18, 2024

For Genevieve Fioraso, “We must restore clarity at the university.”

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Grenobleoise and former Minister of Higher Education, Genevieve Fioraso, returned this morning to the Science-Po Grenoble debate. It condemns those “who are dumping pastures” and regrets “that we are no longer able to have a quiet debate” in “a place where we train future decision-makers.”

What happens in Science-Po Grenoble and the university is unfortunately a reflection of what is happening in our society. This means that today we seem unable to lead discussions quietly. The university is a place for training, it is a place for discussion for young people, it is a moment in which their thinking is built, as they prepare their careers, and I find it really unfortunate that what should have been a discussion between the teachers – where we can connect the students is an interesting debate – finally became a subject of controversy and slipped completely With the names thrown into the attention of the teachers who were not in the mainstream. I do not judge the value. There is an investigation in progress, and that’s very good. The General Inspectorate was commissioned by the Minister, which should have been done, perhaps before that, because this debate began last November.

A few months after Samuel Patti was assassinated, it was completely irresponsible

What seems really important to me is restoring general serenity in universities. These are phenomena that do not happen everywhere, but they do happen here and there and should be viewed calmly. There are cases in universities for this. There are places. There is academic advice. I would like us to re-establish a dialogue within universities, so that we do not have ukases being launched in this way in a centralized manner. University presidents must collectively and collectively stimulate dialogue, and debate must be re-established. Of course I condemn the students’ methods of throwing names in the meadow. A few months after Samuel Patti was assassinated, it was completely irresponsible.

Doesn’t all of this also harm the image of the university, especially in Science-Po?

It’s a problem for that to happen but as you know, there are almost 2 million students at the university and in most universities in general things are going well. During this period, the priority for students remains. They are in a very difficult position and I think that by emphasizing this or that conflict – which is happening and which must be dealt with clearly – we forget that the priority should remain for students, their professors and all the administrative supervisory staff in universities, who must ensure that young people are trained in a period of restrictions. That makes things so complicated. I reject the term “generation sacrificed”. We have to put together the whole package, and make every effort – which is not only financial, but also true collective will – to ensure that our students are properly trained.
Still a good Science-Po picture. It is a recognized training. What worries me most is to see that in a place where we train future decision-makers, people who will be interested in public affairs, we are no longer able to have discussions in which we put tolerance. Kindness, listen. All this is the same as learning democracy! I think it is urgent to restore this serenity. Outside of social networks …

Social networks play a very important role in this type of relationship.

Of course, we are not talking about it enough! I think there was learning to interact with social networks from an early age. Learn how to spot fake news. Knowing how to verify information. Don’t use your anonymity to get rid of names in the past. Because we see him there in a specific context and more politically sensitive at the moment […] But she is also a teenager in college, like this teenager who, due to her slight difference, would be dumped anonymously due to her slight difference. We are not sufficiently trained in social networking practice. This does not mean that you should not use social networks, they have a lot of advantages. Simply It takes discernment and discernment to be learned. Because it’s so easy, with anonymity, to exclude names like that … we’ve seen the damage the disgusting assassination of Samuel Patty can cause.

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