Sunday, March 9, 2025

French language promotion | Quebec will pay 3 million to Télé-Québec for production

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Tony Vaughn
Tony Vaughn
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(Montreal) Quebec is offering a $3 million payment to Télé-Quebec for three productions aimed at promoting the use of the French language, through arts, songs, humor and history.

Leah Levesque
Canadian Press

“We all see French decline in Quebec,” the minister in charge of the French language, Simone Julien Barrett, launched at a press conference on Monday in Montreal to announce that this amount would be given to radio with an educational and cultural character.

Through these television productions, Quebec wishes to intervene from a positive angle, by promoting and enhancing the beauty and richness of the French language.

French as I like it It includes a 90-minute show, with songs and testimonies, broadcast on Télé-Québec, as well as 101 language capsules promoting Québec-specific terms, with humor and through the arts.

The third production is the second version of weak end, first edition hosted by Pierre-Yves Lourdes. This is a rap competition in French, in which participants are honored for the quality of texts in French.

The Minister responsible for the French language announced the award of this sum along with his colleague from Culture and Communications, Nathalie Roy, and the President and CEO of Télé-Québec, Marie Colin.

“Quebec French is Quebec French. More importantly, it will remind young and old alike that the French language is a source of pride, that it translates the values ​​of our culture, that it is one of the pillars of our society, and that it is at its fore,” Minister Roy said.

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The CEO of Télé-Québec, Marie Colin, confirmed that she was already enjoying the project of putting a program on display to promote the French language when the General Secretariat for the Promotion and Improvement of the French Language expressed its desire to work on such a project with Télé-Québec.

“We had in our chests the interest in returning with a large-scale project that would put the French language in the spotlight,” she said.

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