Tuesday, March 4, 2025

“God’s Knowledge Evidence”: Behind the Scenes of an Extraordinary Book

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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It’s a thousand-year-old question that seems to contradict science and faith: Is there a creator God? Contrary to the ideas presented, the authors Michel Yves Bollor And Olivier Bonacez seeks to answer them in God and science are evidence, in bookstores on October 13, 50,000 copies reprint Guy Tridaniel Editions. The result of rigorous work spanning more than three years, this book, divided into 24 independent chapters, is based on the latest scientific developments. ” Everything that we explain from the point of view of science, specialists already know, but each is in his own field. We wanted to write a concise book for the general public, showing that everything converges », summarizes applied art scientist and businessman Olivier Bonacez.

From 1.5 million video views to a 600-page book
Unbeliever in his youth, he found Olivier Bonacis in the book Is there a truth?, to the philosopher Jean Dugat, the first answer to his questions. The book reveals the rationale for believing in God: The more I inquire, the more serious reasons to believe ’,” explains the founder of Christian news site Aleteia and the International Marie de Nazareth Center in Israel. But in 2013 he laid the groundwork for what would become the 590-page book, which will be published in early October. At the invitation of a professor of philosophy to one of his sons to display the reasons for belief, he derives a video clip, “Demonstrations of the Existence of God and Christian Reasons for Belief”, with immediate success on YouTube, which today accumulates 1.5 million views. At that time, engineer and industrialist Michel Yves Polloré, founder of the France Essor group, presented his project for a book with four hands. It is the beginning of a long process of choosing the topics to be discussed, readings and interviews, with a rational search for the truth on the horizon. ” We thought we would dedicate a year to him, the project requires more than three ”, confirms Olivier Bonassi, to whom “The question of God’s existence has become interesting because it is no longer undecidable. ».

20 specialists, more than 200 citations
The co-authors tell how scientific discoveries, which have long been in conflict with faith, can now align with God’s presence in many areas of knowledge. Thus the question of the origin of the universe, or of the transition from inert to life, of the enormous complexity of the genetic code and of the very precise biological modification necessary for the formation of proteins, ribosomes, and amino acids, if unlikely they could not be due to chance. The authors quote from the French geneticist Daniel Cohen – to whom we owe the first human genetic map – he went from an atheist to an agnostic in the face of ” A program written in a very complex language This is the genome. Einstein, Friedman, Lemitri, Planck, Gödel, Penrose, Vilenkin, Hawking, Prigogine, Crick, Watson… Michel-Yves Bollory and Olivier Bonassis reinforce their point of view with more than 200 quotes from contemporary scholars. About twenty scholars contributed their contributions and advice to the writing of this book. ” We have also been re-read by great scientists, members of the Academy of Sciences and researchers of the National Center for Scientific Research ‘, referring to Olivier Bonacez. The 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics, Robert Wilson, who, together with Arno Penzias, discovered the diffuse cosmic box, signed the foreword to the book: “ This book offers a particularly interesting perspective on science and cosmology and their philosophical or religious implications..

Documentary in preparation
This famous scientific work also devotes several chapters to “non-scientific” evidence for the existence of God, moving from the Bible to unexplained miracles, including the person of Jesus or the fate of the Jewish people. And it is just the first stage of work for its authors, who have already signed on to realize a documentary film on the question of the existence of God.

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Monday August 30 at 11:30 a.m. you have the opportunity to attend a webinar dedicated to the work of Michel-Yves Bollorie and Olivier Bonacez God: the science, the evidence. Dawn of a revolution.
During the online meeting with the authors, Michel-Yves Bollory and Olivier Bonassis will answer your questions and those of Elise Lipin, journalist at Livres Hebdo.
Register without further delay: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/294095587325390607?source=newsletter+LH

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