Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How do you measure your well-being at work?

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

Do you know the Leger Happiness Index (IBL) that has been evaluating since 2006 what makes Quebecers happy? According to IBL, of the 25 factors associated with general happiness, work ranks fifthe After fulfillment, health, love and appreciation. Obviously, the happier they are at work, the happier Quebecers are.

Are you happy at work In order to help you answer this question and make the right decisions for your professional development, we invite you to assess your Quality of Life at Work (QWL) according to various criteria. From your workload to your relationships with colleagues and your stress level, find out how to determine your level of well-being at work.

Canadians and well-being at work

According to a recent study conducted by Public Services and Procurement Canada, 77% of Canadian employees consider themselves willing to change jobs for better well-being. In addition, 70% of them said they are concerned about mental health and safety at work, and 14% feel that their work environment is neither healthy nor safe.

In Quebec, a survey showed that 19% of workers between the ages of 25 and 44 say they have a high level of work-related psychological distress. In the 12 months leading up to the survey, one in five people said they had experienced psychological harassment at work. Finally, according to IBL, after health, work is the most intrusive vector in Quebecers’ pursuit of happiness.

With these statistics, it is not surprising, then, that employers are increasingly trying to improve the quality of life of their employees. One thing is for sure, well-being at work is a priority for Canadian employees and a critical criterion in their career choice.

10 factors for well-being at work

Quality of life at work is determined by a range of factors that influence health, work environment, emotional and physical stress, as well as interpersonal relationships.

much is available Professional tools for measuring employee quality of life. However, to make an informal assessment of your well-being at work, rate each of the specific factors listed below from 1 to 10. An overall score of less than 75 could indicate that you are not very happy with your daily work activities.

  1. Personal relationships

Since you spend so much of your time at work, interactions with your colleagues and superiors play a vital role in your social life. Maintaining harmonious, respectful and friendly relationships with your employees makes working more enjoyable on a daily basis.

Conversely, conflicts at work, psychological harassment from the boss, and cold and tense interactions between your co-workers can stain your work days and sometimes lead to significant psychological stress.

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Are you well integrated into your workplace? Did you make friends with your colleagues? Are your relationships with your superiors respectful?

  1. stress level

Unrealistic goals, tight deadlines, strained personal relationships, poor personal confidence… These are some of the many factors that can increase stress levels at work. Do you suffer from anxiety related to your career? This may be due to your high stress level. Stress can lead to mental and physical health problems, so it should not be taken lightly.

What are your sources of concern? Do you feel comfortable bringing it up with your boss? Are you too emotionally involved in your files?

  1. Workload

Too much workload can also increase your stress levels. On the other hand, too little workload can affect your motivation and personal confidence. It is essential to discuss your workload with your employer in order to find the right balance.

  1. appreciation and feedback

In Quebec, recognition at work is the most important factor for well-being at work for young professionals between the ages of 25 and 34. In general, this is 3e An important factor, all age groups combined.

Do you feel that your work and efforts are recognized for their true value? Do you receive positive feedback from your employer when you do great things? Does he give you constructive feedback?

  1. Compensation

Another important factor for well-being at work in the eyes of Quebecers is wages. When they see that their work is rewarded fairly, with suitable wages and good benefits, they are more motivated in their work.

Do you think your salary is fair? Do you feel like you are doing too much and not getting paid enough? Do employer-provided salary increases motivate you?

  1. sense of belonging

The bond of passion between a company and its employees is a determinant of well-being at work. Employees who adhere to the organization’s vision, who empathize with it and who participate in it are happier than those who have little connection with it.

Do you feel like you are in the right place? Do you share the same values ​​as those conveyed within your company? Are you proud to work there?

  1. self realization

To be happy at work, Quebecers need to feel like they are getting something done. To do this, they need independence, responsibility, and meaning. They also want a job that allows them to reach their full potential.

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Do you feel that your tasks allow you to develop professionally? Do you feel that your work contributes to the success of the business? Are you proud of your accomplishments?

  1. Physical and psychological security

A safe work environment, both physically and psychologically, is an essential factor for Quebec employees. When they have all the resources to do their jobs safely, they are more efficient and happier. They are also less likely to be absent due to illness.

Does your work environment seem safe to you? Do you feel safe from harassment? Does the employer care about the health of its employees? Does your job affect your health?

  1. Flexibility

It’s no secret that a balanced life is synonymous with luxury. In this sense, the Balance between work and family An important factor in quality of life at work for many. Quebec employees believe that they are happier when they work for a flexible employer: telecommuting, flexible working hours, adapting to the way they work, etc. These examples are major attractions for employees seeking meaning and a better balance between their professional and personal lives.

Does your employer offer you solutions to reconcile your professional and personal life? Does your job allow you to have a healthy balance in your life? Do you feel stuck in your job?

  1. liability

Empowering employees aims to enhance their initiative and encourage their independence so that they can take control of their tasks. This approach has a direct impact on the motivation, sense of belonging and achievement of the company’s employees.

Do you feel that you have the confidence of your employer? Does it allow you to show independence and initiative in accomplishing your tasks? Does the employer show interference in his management?

Luxury in the era of remote work

In 2019, according to Statistics Canada, 4 out of 10 employees had a job that could be done from home. With the pandemic, many organizations have switched to remote work and many are planning to continue this path. But, how is the welfare of Canadian employees in the era of remote work?

According to a survey of 1,000 Canadian remote working professionals conducted by software developer Capterra, 85% of them said they had enough remote working experience to continue doing so, at least in part. When it comes to life balance, 55% say they are better at working remotely.

On the other hand, 44% of Canadian workers said they find it difficult to distinguish between work time and personal time, while 37% have experienced an increase in their workload. Many say they are more stressed out. For example, 30% of workers say they have trouble sleeping, while 34% feel isolated.

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Finally, the survey showed that a hybrid mode that combines face-to-face and telecommuting work could be the solution to increasing employee well-being.

The Efficiency of working remotely and healthy

to me Committee on Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST)It is necessary to establish a clear teleworking policy with the relevant employees to improve work at home and ensure the wellbeing of employees. CNESST also provides an occupational health and safety checklist for remote working to help employers enhance the well-being of their employees working from home. The checklist deals with psychological, social and ergonomic risks that must be mitigated in the context of remote work in order to ensure the health and safety of employees.

Do you want to make your remote work happier? Here are some tips to enhance your well-being in this work environment:

  • Have healthy habits: get out of your pajamas, take breaks, end the day by getting some fresh air, etc.
  • Set clear boundaries: Create a work schedule for yourself with consistent breaks and fixed hours.
  • Create a comfortable and healthy workspace: get a suitable chair, desk and all necessary work tools. Try to limit the sources of distraction in this space.
  • Communicate frequently with your colleagues: Stay in touch with your colleagues and select an effective medium for your communications.

Revise your relationship to make you happier

Well-being at work has an important impact on your life balance. After reading this, did you realize that you might not be as happy as you would like to be in your current job? It might be time to rethink your relationship at work. If you are the type of person who is very emotionally involved in your tasks, learn to take a step back and say “no.” If your workload is increasing your stress, develop techniques for calming yourself and restoring your feelings.

Finally, you may also be in the wrong place to free yourself professionally and find luxury at work. In this case, the solution might be to reorient yourself and turn to an employer who shares your values ​​more.

Are you looking for a company that puts the well-being of its employees first and promotes a balance between work and family? Your contact Career in Promutuel Assurance And join a dynamic and friendly team!

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