On ICI Tout.tv Extra
Eric Bruno in diverse
I am watching the third season of diverse I love that either. Stéphane Lapointe’s production is fantastic. The actors are very good and all the characters are well defined and very likable. Even Eric Bruno, who plays the villain, we love him. Want to be friends with! They are big names: Guy Nadon, Isabelle Blaise, Emile Prolix Cloutier. I don’t understand why we don’t hear more about it. I think it’s like a well-kept secret on Radio Canada. I find this wonderful. ”
on Netflix
Image provided by Netflix
Omar CV lupine
” With lupineOn Netflix, we’re somewhere else. It is sewed with white thread, with rose water, but I think it is a good entertainment. It is well listened to. Omar Sy, it’s a fantasy! He is the most beautiful man in the universe! Just to watch him play, I love it. And then, we see a lot of pictures of Paris. It’s nice to watch. Looks like we’re on a little trip. In times of epidemic, you feel good. ”
next position
In Novo every Thursday at 8 pm.
Photo provided by NOOVO
Host Prochain standand Mary Lynne Juncas with Judges B. Methot, Mariana Mazza and Louis Morissette
“I am very interested in the next generation in humor, so the show next positionI think it was done really well. Comments are correct. I think Mary Lynne Juncas moves really well. It’s really interesting. I love discovering new talents. It keeps me up to date with what’s going on in my community. ”
“Total creator. Evil zombie fan. Food evangelist. Alcohol practitioner. Web aficionado. Passionate beer advocate.”