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It’s time to watch it!

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Jillian Castillo
Jillian Castillo
"Proud thinker. Tv fanatic. Communicator. Evil student. Food junkie. Passionate coffee geek. Award-winning alcohol advocate."

On these first autumn nights, Jupiter will continue to dominate the sky! The giant planet will be closest to Earth since 1963 on Sunday, September 25, and exhibits on September 26. This is the best time to watch it, with its worlds revolving around it.

Monday 26 September The largest planet in the solar systemJupiter will be in opposition. This means that it will be aligned with the ground and SunSun And that you can enjoy it all night long, sparkling more than ever in 2022. Why? Because this year, his opposition, in a few hours, collides with his smallest distance from our planet. So on Sunday, September 25, the gas giant will have reached its destination orbitingorbiting closest to the earth. Only about 591 million km. This planet hasn’t been close to us since 1963!

How do you observe the planet Jupiter?

So it is an excellent period to watch Jupiter. In theeyeeye Naked of course and/or with a machine if you have one. And if not, you probably know someone who has an extension telescopetelescope Or a telescope, or is there a structure near you that provides evening observations for the public (astronomy club, astronomy center, some planetariums, etc). Also, feel free to target giant planetgiant planet With a pair of binoculars it works very well, because you will see four of the largest moonsmoons (of 79 known): IoIoEurope , GanymedeGanymede and Callsito. You’ll also notice that this bright spot in the sky becomes a small disk (actually a sphere) where one can distinguish, and guess, bands of clouds.

“We’ve never seen Jupiter like this before!”: Unpublished images captured by the James Webb Telescope

So these days, Jupiter It is displayed in lenseslenses A little bigger than usual because it’s closer to the ground, for the fun of the curious and Astronomy scientistsAstronomy scientists Amateur (beginner or confirmed and highly equipped). Pictures will rain on social networkssocial networks. Many of them are pleased with the richness of detail captured on the gas giant (various cloud bands and spots at the top atmosphereatmosphere). Of course, for each celestial note, it is highly recommended to prefer a location in the countryside, free of light pollutionlight pollution In order to make the most of it in the dark of night. and morestarstar He will be high in the sky, and it will hardly bother him disturbancedisturbance Atmosphere near the horizon.

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Jupiter, ruler of heaven

Jupiter It revolves around the sun in 12 Earth years, allowing it to cross a constellation of HoroscopeHoroscope On average per year, which is in line witheclipticecliptic (the level of orbit of all the planets). Currently, the gas giant in PiscesPiscesOver the whale’s tail, not far from it NeptuneNeptune (explore Note James Webb’s Neptune) – a view of the earth. But the latter, farthest from the sun, is not bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.

Dive into Jupiter’s 3D gas vortexes

At a distance of 590 million km (the average distance is 779 million km), Jupiter necessarily shines brighter than in other years. You may have noticed it in the late evening sky, shimmering, halfway between the horizon and the zenith, over the southeast. Since it’s a planet, it’s a celestial body relatively close to us (just 33 light-minutes away!) as opposed to a planet. starsstarsJupiter does not blink. to her MagnitudeMagnitude is -2.9.

In this period of opposition, the gas giant will reign all night, without moon or VenusVenus to compete with him. It rises in the east, just opposite the setting sun, and then drops below the western horizon when the solar star returns. This is perfect beautiful nights to check out and watch their satellite dance.

Article from Xavier DemersmannXavier Demersmann Posted on June 10, 2019

In opposition on June 10, Jupiter is closest to Earth and can be seen all night long. Earth between the giant and the sun. It’s time to enjoy it with the naked eye, binoculars or telescope.

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Today, June 10, around 3pm UTC, which is 5pm Paris time, Jupiter was in opposition. In other words, the largest planet in the world solar systemsolar system It aligns with the sun and the earth. So it is the best time to enjoy it, from dusk till dawn. And this year, it shines even more because it is only 641 million kilometers away from us. Passing from the southeast to the southwest, the gas giant reaches its zenith over the south at about 1:30 AM. even red Scorpion heartScorpion heart (size 1), which is not far away, looks very pale next to him Jupiter (Destiny -2.6).

In 2019, the neighboring planet “house” of Scorpio, Snake, crosses the thirteenth constellation of the zodiac, which is also called Ophiuchus. Its stars are depicted by the son of Apollo in Greek mythology Asclepius (Askolapius to the Romans). Following the teachings of Centaur Chiron (the next arc), the hero was considered the master of snakes. He holds one in his hands. Currently, we can see the “Wandering Star” (the origin of the word planet) creeping up near the feet of Ophiuchus, on the edge of fogfog silver Milky WayMilky Waywhich we guess in the background, smeared with darkness CloudsClouds from dust. It’s a great context, but it has a flaw in that for us latitudeslatitudes Medium, the gas giant is not very high above the horizon, its rays pass through a thick layer of the atmosphere resulting in stronger turbulence and less sharp images, much to the chagrin of amateur astronomers.

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How do you observe the planet Jupiter?

Machine lightlightAnd the “Thunder” For Homer, Jupiter-Zeus (the same etymology) fills all those who are interested in the sky who think of it. With a pair of binoculars, you will not be too disturbed by turbulence and will enjoy the dance of its largest moon: Ganymede, CallistoCallistoEurope and Io. These are its four moons in Galilee (GalileoGalileo was the first to notice them), small four DiamondDiamond that you can follow movementsmovements During the night.

In a telescope or telescope, at a higher magnification, you will be amazed to look at (or spot) the belts ochresochres Invading giant, tropical gangster, and of course big red spot. Known for three and a half centuries, this red-orange eye – a tornadotornado It interests astronomers by its very nature, and more recently by its significant changes in size. Not only is it visibly reduced in size (so to speak) but its edges appear to be crumbling and blending with the equatorial band in recent weeks. Will the Great Red Spot disappear?

Despite being in opposition today, Jupiter will still be visible every summer evening. And on several occasions, the moon will come to stay with him (A jointlyjointly), as of June 16.

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