Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Laval | Bus drivers’ strike continues

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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Plusieurs centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées samedi dans le cadre de la grève des chauffeurs d’autobus de la Société de transport de Laval (STL). Aucun autobus ne circulait dans la municipalité, après une journée où l’offre de service a été réduite.

Coralie Laplante

Coralie Laplante
La Presse

Les manifestants brandissaient des drapeaux blancs à l’effigie de leur syndicat au son des trompettes. Le rassemblement s’est amorcé au Terminus Montmorency, puis les manifestants ont marché jusqu’au Terminus Le Carrefour.

Plusieurs enjeux expliquent le conflit qui divise actuellement la STL et le syndicat des chauffeurs d’autobus, dont les circuits d’autobus lorsque la demande n’est pas suffisante, les horaires et les salaires des employés.

« En ce moment, ce que l’employeur nous propose, ça va seulement appauvrir nos employés. Ils ne tiennent aucunement compte de ce qu’on vit en ce moment […] An ever-increasing cost of living,” Patrick LaFleur, president of the Canadian Federation of Public Employees (CUPE) 5959, deplores Laval bus drivers.

“We offered to negotiate with them yesterday and last night to avoid today’s strike, but they preferred to wait for the mediator. [lors] From our meeting scheduled for next Monday,” continued Mr. Lafleur, in an interview with La Presse.

For its part, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon regrets that it has already renewed the collective agreement for office and maintenance personnel in a “difficult financial context”. The court said in a press statement that “the global offer made to the Federation is fair and comparable to it.”

Photo by Dominique Gravel, La Presse

Several cases explain the conflict that currently divides the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the Bus Drivers Union, including bus routes when demand is not enough, staff schedules and salaries.

The STL Drivers’ Union has decided to go on strike over the Black Friday weekend, in order to affect traffic in stores. The first day of the strike occurred on 3 November.

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On Friday, STL bus service was offered on a modified schedule, and there were no buses running on Saturday, until 4am on Sunday. These pressure tactics were applied after a decision of the Administrative Labor Court (TAT), which authorized them.

On Monday, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon asked the arbitral tribunal to make an interim decision, as it deemed the lobbying tactics of its own staff unlawful. The association denounces the harmful effects of the strike on citizens traveling by public transport.

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