Eidos Montreal And Square Enix we’ve got Present in detail Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy during the ‘E3 2021, the action and adventure game will feature an extension Guardians of the GalaxySoon after this shock group was formed. The studios are already back in a personality Mrs. Hellbender And They’re back to talking about design.
Bruno Gauthier-Leblanc, Technical Director of the game, taking the floor Explain how he and his team designed the characters in star lordAnd GamoraAnd DraxAnd rocket And Large for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Announces:
We wanted the Guardians design to stay true to the story we created, while also making it instantly recognizable by Guardians of the Galaxy fans. We’ve built this fun and dysfunctional family by combining elements from the Marvel comics and the backgrounds we’ve envisioned, resulting in a unique look for each Guardian that matches the game’s mechanics.
According to him, star lord He’s a space pirate for a rock ‘n’ roll fan With great references to the ’80s, Drax He’s a warrior who brags about his scratches katathiennes Echoing the circular architecture of his home planet, Gamora Inspired by comics with killer motifs to show their seriousness, While Rocket et Groot Their friendship binds them, the first wears a pearl bearing the image of the second on a goat, and the art director mentions this. Large Create a belt just for that rocket Climbing on his back during the fight, he turns into a real tower.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy release date set for October 26, 2021 On PC, PlayStation 5, PS4 and Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, plus Nintendo Switch in a Cloud version. You can pre-order the game at 59.99 euros on Amazon.
Author – examiner Clint 008 |
Fairly loud music explorer, hat and vinyl collector, Blade Runner vaporizer and Deus Ex. I love zombies and Cthulhu. |
“Proud thinker. Tv fanatic. Communicator. Evil student. Food junkie. Passionate coffee geek. Award-winning alcohol advocate.”