Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Meadows wants to develop an entire quadrant of Old Quebec City

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Radio Canada learned that a planned real estate development in the Charlevoix Building, on the Cote de Palais, is the subject of new analyzes by Quebec City. The developer, Capwood Group, has submitted new plans to run the city, three years after winning the call for projects to revitalize this area once the stray cat colony was announced.

Discussions are actually underway between the city and the developer regarding the Charlevoix Block and the potential expansion of the project. This approach follows the Quebec City megaproject process. The project is in the preliminary stage of analysis, City confirms in exchanging emails.

According to our information, the real estate project will now extend to the entire quadrangle formed by Charlevoix, the Hotel Dieu, Saint-Jean and the streets of Cote de Palais. In the process, the Capwood Group acquired the former Bank of Montreal building on Saint-Jean Street, which currently houses Cool As a Moose and an architecture firm.

The CHU de Québec allocated a surplus building in this quadrant, on rue de l’Hotel-Dieu. Company spokesperson Brian Jellinas confirmed that the Cullen ward is no longer occupied and therefore could be set up for sale by the Department of Health and Social Services.

According to the usual process of government surplus assets, the city can acquire it and then resell it to the developer, just as it did with the existing abandoned plot to begin developing the Charlevoix complex.

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Large dining and lounge show

The initial project was a five-story building in Charlevoix. On the ground floor, the developer has planned to upgrade dining halls, while 23 residential units will be built on the upper floors.

According to various sources consulted by Radio Canada, we would now like to add more housing units, while maintaining the local food supply. Radio Canada has also managed to track a document from the old Quebec neighborhood council, from last February, in which the ambitions of the new meadows have already been mentioned.

The project is highly integrated and includes residences, hotels, and local dining halls as well as four floors of underground parking.Can we read the document? We add that The project will be linked to other buildings in the quadrangular form And the The former royal stables will be merged and converted into a large fenced hall.

Abandoned land in old Quebec

The Charlevoix neighborhood should start in the coming months.

Photo: Radio Canada

Cap-aux-Diamants’ Municipal Adviser Jean Rousseau confirms the information contained in this document. It is a much more ambitious project. It would literally be the entire quadrant. […] We are in another dimension, He said.

According to what he knows at the moment, the promoter will have the idea so interesting A door that opens directly onto Saint-Jean Avenue. In other words, we can enter via Saint-Jean Street towards these halls, and directly see the beautiful Saint Augustine Church., He states, remembering that he himself had proposed a similar arrangement a few years earlier.

The project is gaining momentum, but there is a huge flip to ensuring all this paté is alive and welcoming.

Quote from:Jean Rousseau, Municipal Adviser, Cap District or Diamantes

As Old Quebec looks to attract new residents and is in desperate need of a food show, especially with the Marché du Vieux-Port leaving, Jean Rousseau welcomes the idea of ​​revitalizing the quadruple. This is excellent news.

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When announcing the development of the Charlevoix Building, Quebec City confirmed that it is seeking to attract families to the neighborhood.

A lot of challenges

However, there are still many more items that need to be attached before this big project gets the green light.

The share of restaurants, the incorporation of new construction in the historic district, the fate of heritage buildings to be attached to it, the height and the issue of tourist accommodation, are among the challenges identified by Jean Rousseau.

The city also indicates that the project should be first To be approved by the Commission d’urbanisme et de save de Québec, and by the Ministry of Culture.

Zoning changes will also be necessary. In this regard, the city assures us that it will meet citizens when the time comes.

The Capwood Group chose not to comment on the file, which is a good time to continue talks with Quebec City.

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