This phenomenon, caused by the entry of a large pebble into the atmosphere, was observed at about 10:15 pm by a hundred people during an evening observation in the Parc National du Mont-Mégantic. The fireball was visible for about five seconds.
The stars were observed through a telescope. A bright spot appeared in the sky to the southeast. The light source that was moving in the sky increased in intensity very quickly, and it was extremely astonishing
That’s what the Mont Magnetic Astrolabe’s science interviewer, Guillaume Boleyn, says.
” It started in orange, and turned white, somewhat like a very intense fireworks display. Everyone was surprised to see this. »
The show can also be admired in the United States, from Maine.
A Maine resident managed to photograph the phenomenon on Saturday.
Photo: screenshot – YouTube / American Meteor Society
Pauline’s clouds estimate that between 10 and 100 tons of rock dust fall to Earth from space each day.
I know what you saw. A lot of people around me wondered what it was like, but just because it didn’t surprise me doesn’t mean it doesn’t impress me. Phenomena like this, it’s rare that we get the chance to see them like they used to be.
” I experienced beautiful feelings, I was very excited in front of this phenomenon. »
The science caller explains that he doesn’t think the meteorite fell to Earth anywhere in Maine.
What we saw is that the ball of white light leaves behind, in its motion, the smallest luminous shards of orange. What we conclude from this is that the big rock, […] Under atmospheric pressure, into several pieces.
Those who have seen the space spectacle, if they wish, can fill out a sighting report on the American Meteorite Society website. [traduction libre]. This will allow experts to learn more about this phenomenon.
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