Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Monkey pox: 77 cases in Canada, ‘alarming’ situation in Quebec

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

Canada had 77 confirmed cases of monkeypox on Friday, almost all of which were detected in Quebec, with authorities deeming the situation “alarming”.

• Read also: In contact with a monkeypox patient, Montrealer recounts his experience

• Read also: Monkeypox: 21 cases in the US, more than 700 worldwide

• Read also: 52 cases of monkeypox were recorded in Quebec

The country confirmed its first two cases on May 20 in the French-speaking province.

During a press conference, Dr. Howard Ngo, administrative vice president of the Federal Public Health Agency, explained that the situation was considered “alarming.” He added that the authorities were particularly concerned about “the emergence of cases that develop in families and affect pregnant women or young children.”

Dr. Ngo also explained that this spread is “not (restricted) to any particular group or environment” and thus can reach “anyone, regardless of their sexual identity or sexual orientation”.

Smallpox vaccines were delivered to the county. They can be effective in protecting contact cases, as there is no cure for monkeypox, which is usually self-treatment.

Monkeypox is mostly a mild disease, but its spread outside endemic areas such as West Africa remains a concern.

Plus de 550 cas dans 30 pays principalement européens — où la maladie n’est pas endémique et n’apparaît que très rarement — ont été signalés à l’OMS depuis le début de la multiplication actuelle de cas il ya’ près .

This infectious disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes that can be painful, especially if they are on sensitive areas such as the genitals.

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Transmission of infection requires close and prolonged contact between two people, and is mainly carried out through saliva or pus from skin lesions formed during infection.

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