Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Notre Dame de Paris: Complaint for endangering the lives of others

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

A number of actors filed a complaint against X on Tuesday for endangering the lives of others after the fire at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, which led to the malicious shooting, according to a document consulted by AFP.

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On April 15, 2019, a fire broke out in the roof and tower of the Gothic cathedral located in the center of Paris, causing smoke and billowing across the capital and causing great feelings in the world.

“Over 400 tons of lead were destroyed during this fire, and were partially melted or broken down into fine particles, which were released into the atmosphere,” they note in their complaint to CGT-Paris, the Henri Pézerat Society and individuals.

For these complainants, “the presence of an immediate and immediate danger potentially causing a physical hazard of a certain severity” is beyond doubt, reports the Professional Technical Support Center for Studies and Air Pollution, Airparif, Ineris, among others.

“Despite the scale of the fire and the knowledge of pollution and pollution risks (…) no special precautions were taken by the relevant authorities (Ministry of Culture, the Regional Health Agency – ARS- and the Police Prefecture) for more than three months after the fire ”, they still lament.

According to the complainants, “the city of Paris has deliberately kept in the ignorance of the principals of the schools and nurseries located near the cathedral by refraining from talking about the fact of lead contamination in this area.”

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And “ARS and the police prefecture initially refused to publish the results of the dust samples. (…) So it was necessary to wait more than two months for these results to be finally announced.”

But “children (in nurseries and schools), residents and workers (in the neighborhood and in the cathedral) were clearly exposed to the dangers of lead exposure.” “These facts constitute the crime of endangering others,” they say.

In April, the association “Robin de Bois” filed a complaint also related to “endangering the lives of others”, under the formation of a civil party. It should allow the opening of a semi-automatic judicial investigation and the appointment of an investigative judge.

Two years later, investigators completed their investigation, but a long phase of analysis of the samples still had to stretch over several months to try to determine the source of the fire at Notre Dame de Paris.

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