Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ontario says no to Leafs fans returning to the stands

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Virginia Whitehead
Virginia Whitehead
"Pop culture maven. Unapologetic student. Avid introvert. Gamer. Problem solver. Tv fanatic."

In Ontario, many took note of spectators ‘attendance at the Bell Center on Saturday, and a petition was launched demanding fans’ access to the Toronto Maple Leaves home for Monday’s match, except that the county in question has ruled out this possibility.

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Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown asked the public to sign his petition online to persuade responsible authorities to allow frontline healthcare workers who received two doses of the vaccine to attend the series’ crucial meeting against the Montreal Canadiens.

However, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Heritage, Tourism, Culture and Sports, Dakota Prazier, rejected the idea, at least, for the upcoming duel at Scotiabank Arena.

“The Public Health Directorate office analyzed and approved the recovery plan for the National Hockey League [LNH] For Toronto Maple Leaves and Ottawa Senators. This includes strict health and safety protocols. It has been developed to ensure the safety of players, employees, families and society. Now, no spectators are allowed to attend the matches in person.

“The province will continue to follow the recommendations of public health officials and other medical experts to determine when it is safe to ease measures, if appropriate,” he added.

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While a confinement group received 2,500 fans for the sixth shock of the first round against the foliage, Brown saw fit to challenge the boycott in his petition.

“Given that a large portion of our core workers and healthcare workers who have done so much over the past year have been fully immunized, this will give a boost to Maple Leaves,” Brown said of the attendees. They were vaccinated twice inside the US NHL yards.

For his part, Toronto Mayor John Torey left the door wide open to the possibility of the return of the fans of Leaves, noting, however, that the province is the last word in this file.

“I would seriously consider acting here, because you saw what happened in Montreal. People were so far away from each other and there were masks being worn, maybe not as much as they should have been,” he said.

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