(Montreal) More than 1,000 shipping workers at the Port of Montreal began an unspecified general strike Monday morning – a move the Port Authority says will mean the complete closure of all port activities.
The unloading workers ‘union, affiliated with the Canadian Federation of Public Employees, says the Marine Employers’ Association does not want to negotiate and has opted for a provocation policy that includes changes to work schedules.
Photo by Patrick Sunvawn Press
In turn, the association said it was disappointed with the union’s decision and was reviewing its options.
Federal Labor Minister Philomena Tassi said on Sunday that the government has issued a notice that it will introduce legislation to return to work in the coming days if no agreement is reached.
MI Tassi a déclaré que le gouvernement préférerait ne pas intervenir, mais qu’il n’aurait peut-être pas le choix étant donné ce qu’elle a décrit comme des dommages importants et potentiellement durables causés à l’économée Action.
The workers, who have been without a contract since December 2018, have been on overtime strike since April 17 and have refused to work on weekends since April 18.
Several employer groups have expressed concern about the impact of the strike on companies.
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