Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Presidential elections | Chileans elect left-wing candidate Gabriel Borek

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

(Santiago de Chile) The streets of Santiago, as in many Chilean cities, erupted with glee when the left-wing candidate Gabriel Borek was declared the winner of his far-right rival, Jose Antonio Caste, on Sunday at second. Presidential election round.

Laurent Ebadi
France media agency

It is a real victory for the coalition of the Left, to which the Communist Party belongs, in this duel, unprecedented since the return of democracy in 1990, between two candidates with diametrically opposed social projects.

“I am glad that there will be so many changes that will help the people and the working class, the forgotten,” said Luis Astorga, 58, a construction worker who took to the streets of Santiago to celebrate the victory.

According to almost official results (99.96% of polling stations), Mr. Borek, who is 35 years old and is the youngest president of Chile and among the youngest leaders in the world, won 55.87% of the vote compared to 44.13% for Mr. Caste, a fan of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet which Supported by all the Chilean right.

Photo by Javier Torres, AFP

The streets of Santiago, as in many cities of Chile, erupted with joy at the news of the victory of the leftist candidate Gabriel Borek.

Over a million votes separate the contenders (4.6 vs. 3.6). The turnout rate exceeded 55%, the highest level ever since voting was no longer mandatory in 2012.

in 1is being In contrast, it was 47% when José Antonio Caste came first (27.9% vs. 25.8%), repeating that he was the “Order, Justice and Security” candidate.

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“Borek managed to mobilize the most difficult part of the crowd: the youth,” said political scientist Claudia Hess.

Thanks to the welfare state project, a change in scale in the country seen as the laboratory of liberalism in Latin America, Gabriel Boric triumphed by rallying middle to upper middle class around him, especially in Santiago.

Photo by Evan Alvarado, Reuters

Far-right candidate Jose Antonio Caste

Gabriel Borek intends to promote a major tax reform to get the rich into his program to improve access to health and education and create a new pension system, now entirely private. Chile is the most unequal country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

In a dark suit, white open-collar shirt, thin glasses and a bushy beard, the tens of thousands of supporters who gathered to hear him in central Santiago promised “more social rights” “while remaining financially responsible.”

“cry with joy”

A small and laughing crowd took to the streets of the capital, waving Chilean flags, including in Piazza del Italia, the center of gatherings in 2019 for greater social justice.

The party was preparing to continue through the night as residents feared the return of a certain form of Pinochet.

Photo by Javier Torres, AFP

After the results were announced, a jubilant crowd let their joy explode in the streets.

“It’s been a struggle that’s been going on for many years, from our parents and grandparents, and we’re still struggling against everything Kast means in Chile,” says Daniela, a 27-year-old waitress. “We young people, we have to get things done. I believe in him, and I believe in what he says.”

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“I’m crying with joy. We beat the outbreak, it was like giving birth. I’m going home, I’m going to hug my kids and have a beer,” said Jenny Enriquez, 45, a pharmacy worker.

Young people realized that things had to change and that a candidate like José Caste was very dangerous. Pedro Carballeda, 19, a law student, said, “Young people took to the streets and showed that there are demands that must be met.

Outgoing President Sebastian Pinera in a video chat congratulated the newly elected head of state who will formally take office on March 11.

“History has taught us that when we are divided into fratricidal wars, things always end badly. Every Chilean hopes […] “There will be very good government for Chile and for Chileans,” Pinera told the appointed president.

Before him, Jose Antonio Caste congratulated his opponent, saying: “He deserves all the respect, and many Chileans trusted him,” after acknowledging his defeat on his official Twitter account.

From Cuba to Argentina, through Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Peru, leftist governments in Latin America have expressed their relief at Mr. Borek’s victory.

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Party of Labor, left), who polls showed the winner of the 2022 presidential election in a possible duel with far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, said he was “happy with a new victory. For a democratic and progressive candidate in America” Latin, to build a better future for all.

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