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Prestigious Civilian Honorary Medal – Professor Carl Rick Oppen, École Polytechnique Montreal, Designate of the Order of Canada

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active : Prizes and rewards

MONTRAL, 29 dc. 2021 / CNW Telbec / – Polytechnique Montral is proud to announce that Carl-ricAubin, Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnique Montral, Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery at the University of Montreal Medical School, Researcher at CHU Sainte-Justine and Executive and Scientific Director of TransMedTech, has been appointed a member in decoration Canada, the most prestigious Canadian civilian honor.

This distinction recognizes the exceptional contribution to the Canadian nation of this distinguished specialist in spinal biobacteriology, whose work has enabled remarkable advances in the treatment of adolescent musculoskeletal diseases. The crowning course that has been awarded many times, the achievements of P.s Auben was already made a fellow of the Canadian Engineering Academy last year, this year’s Honoris Genius awarded by the Ordre des ingnieurs du Qubec, earning his Ph.D. honorary from the University of Aix-Marseille in 2018 and d’tre laurat du Jacques Rousseau Award Acfas in 2015 (cf. full listThe rewards given to P.s OPEN).

say bs Carl Rick Oppen. Scientific research is a team effort, all disciplines combined. That is why I want to share this honor with everyone I collaborate with, as well as with the people who inspire and encourage me in my career as a researcher.

Establishment of the TransMedTech Institute
In 2016, thanks to $95 million in support from the Apoge Research Excellence Fund Canada, Qubec Research Fund, Qubec Minister of Economy and Innovation and many other partners, and in collaboration with the five founding institutions (Polytechnique Montral, Universit de Montral, CHU Sainte-Justine, University Hospital of Montreal, Jewish Montreal General Hospital) p.sCarl-ric Aubin launched the TransMedTech Institute. As a true living laboratory, the institute helps engineers, healthcare professionals, patients and companies jointly develop innovative medical technologies and train their next generation.

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Critical contributions to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
P . was founds Aubin’s research work is devoted to the study and biomechanical modeling of complex spinal abnormalities (for example, scoliosis, spondylitis or postural problems), as well as evaluating, designing and improving orthopedic treatments (corsets, surgical instruments, and implants) in order to make them more efficient and less invasive.

A holder of the CRSNG/Medtronic Chair for Industrial Research at Spinal Column Biomcanics, he has developed a platform for the design, manufacture, simulation and optimization of computer-aided orthotics. He also contributed to the creation of iLab-Spine in Biovolcanology and Spine Imaging, an associated international laboratory, to which eight institutions contribute. France and in Quebec, including Aix-Marseille University.

Transdisciplinary Promoter
It is about solving the difficulties that surgeons face while treating their patientss Aubin has built close collaboration between engineers, orthopedic surgeons, clinical experts, medical imaging specialists and industrial partners. It also ensures that patients have a role in the solution creation process.

Other contributions
P . was founds Oppen has published more than 270 articles in scientific journals and published books and more than 670 abstracts published in scientific journals or conference proceedings, and he is the co-author of 7 patents. He has trained more than 100 master’s and doctoral students and more than 25 post-doctoral researchers, many of whom hold senior positions at universities, companies, and institutes in the United States. Canada, in the United States and Europe.

About order Canada
Established in 1967, the Medal Canada Is it one of the highest Canadian honors? It highlights the achievements of people who are involved in improving our society. Appointments shall be made by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Order’s Advisory Board chaired by the Chief Justice. Canada.

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About Polytechnic Montreal
Founded in 1873, the Polytechnic University of Montreal is an engineering university, one of the most important engineering teaching and research universities in the world. Canada. Polytechnique Montral is located on the campus of the University of Montreal, the largest French-speaking university complex in America. With nearly 55,000 degrees, the Polytechnique has trained over 22% of the member practicing engineers of the Ordre des ingnieurs du Qubec (OIQ). It offers more than 120 training programs. The polytechnic has about 294 professors and receives 9,930 students. It has a total annual budget of $275 million, including a research budget of $105 million.

Source: Polytechnic Montreal

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