Monday, March 10, 2025

Quartiers Montréal Party Officially Launched

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

The woman, who is currently the town’s independent mayor, has revealed her commitments to the November elections.

Quartiers Montréal truly represents the diversity of our city and [mise] On decentralization, housing, mobility, social justice and environmental transformation.

Quote from:Juliana Fumagali

Our neighborhoods should be at the heart of decisionsAnd she hoped for sure in traffic that it was so proud of my achievements [son] First semester.

The three candidates who will try to be elected in November are Leonora Indira King in the Park Extension District, Mary Mathlouthi in the Villeray District, and Wendy Olivier in the Saint-Michel District. they Candidates who are high quality in their neighborhoods and communitiesMs. Fumagali commented.

She would like to continue as mayor of the town. I can’t wait to continue [les] Working with future consultants, she added.

Three candidates stand behind the Quartiers Montreal banner.

The three nominees are from Quartiers Montréal in Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension. Left to right: Leonora Indira King, Wendy Olivier, and Maryam Mathlouthi.

Photo: Radio Canada/Olivier Lefevre

Election obligations

The Quartier Montreal party aims to Make Montreal and its neighborhood healthy, active, standardized, inclusive and sustainable living environments. The party depends on the ruling Collaborative and participative and one comprehensive environmental transformation-You could read on her website.

Quartiers Montréal emphasizes five priorities in its commitment, namely creating complete living environments, developing sustainable and safe mobility, offering diversified housing, and creating greener living environments to counteract climate change. and promoting social and cultural diversity. .

General elections will be held in Montreal on November 6 and 7, 2021.

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Excluded from Projet Montreal

Giuliana Fumagali was elected mayor of Villeray – Saint-Michel – Parc-Extension in 2017 under the banner of Projet Montréal.

In May 2018, after allegations of harassment and inappropriate behaviour, Ms Fumagali was forced to undergo a mediation process, led by the City of Montreal, which resulted in an agreement.

Valerie Blunt has asked the city’s Comptroller General to investigate the business climate in the Villeray – Saint-Michel – Parc-Extension area. But because this agreement was not respected, the town’s mayor was expelled from the majority assembly in the city council.

In August 2018, Giuliana Fomagali was officially excluded from Projet Montréal by its president, Valerie Plante, who did not disclose the number of people involved or the nature of the allegations against her.

With information from Oliver Lefevre

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