Monday, March 3, 2025

Regulatory role of Hfq . protein

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Jillian Castillo
Jillian Castillo
"Proud thinker. Tv fanatic. Communicator. Evil student. Food junkie. Passionate coffee geek. Award-winning alcohol advocate."
The interaction between Hfq protein and single-stranded DNA reveals the role of the amyloid protein in genetic recombination and reproduction

Regulatory role of Hfq protein, a bacterial protein specifically found in Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli, also called colibacillus or Escherichia coli, is a bacteria…), is primarily attributed to its function as an RNA chaperone, facilitating interactions between RNAs. The protein (A protein is a biological macromolecule consisting of one or more…) It also participates in the structuring and compression of DNA.

Extensive international cooperation has been studied by various techniques ofphotographer (Images are basically the making and circulation of physical images that…) and spectroscopy, in particular on Synchrotron (The term synchrotron refers to a large electromagnetic instrument intended to…), and compounds of the amyloid protein Hfq and single-stranded DNA. Thus it is clear that Hfq protein can play a role in genetic recombination (Genetic recombination is “the phenomenon that leads to…) and repetition.

Hfq protein is a bacterial regulator involved in many aspects of Metabolism (Metabolism is the set of molecular and biological transformations…) Nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), which give it many important physiological roles. Among these multiple functions, it is necessary to repeat phage (A phage is a virus that infects only bacteria. In Greek, vaghton…) Qβ, RNA virus (An RNA virus is a virus that uses RNA as genetic material, otherwise…) Single stranded positive, which infects bacteria such as Escherichia coliAnd the bacteria (Bacteria (Bacteria) are prokaryotic unicellular organisms, characterized by …) municipality Intestinal germs (Intestinal flora is the group of microorganisms present in the digestive system. …). Hfq . protein Organize (Slates are alloys of tin or lead and antimony.) It also efficiently translates mRNA and helps compact double-stranded DNA inside bacterial cells. But these functions need to be better explored and defined, especially patternsinteraction (An interaction is the exchange of information, influences or energy between two agents within…) which can join Hfq protein and DNA (single or double stranded).

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Two previous studies showed that the Hfq protein:
They form amyloid structures, such as those found in neurodegenerative diseases, and that these structures affect the integrity of the bacterial membrane.
– Participate in control (The word control can have several meanings. It can be used as a synonym for checking, or…) of the DNA solution flow. It is in particular the amyloid (C-terminal) region of the Hfq protein that is involved in the response Mechanical (In everyday parlance, mechanics is the field of machines, engines, vehicles, organs, etc.) The liquid (The liquid is a completely deformable medium of matter. We collect under this…) compound, formation (In intonation, fundamental changes in frequency are seen as differences in …) “Soft” heterogeneous solid.

These initial results were followed by a new structural study, which showed for the first time that the amyloid region of Hfq drastically alters the structure of single-stranded DNA through the formation of snail (The propeller is from a Greek word helix meaning “spiral”. A shaped body…) Parallel, causing alignment of the Hfq:DNA complex.

To get this result a Mix (could be plural 🙂 Experimental methodologies including spectroscopy (ring and linear dichroism on synchrotron and infrared) and molecular imaging (fluorescence and microscopy (Microscopic examination is the observation of a sample (placed in a microscopic preparation …) electron) to investigate interactions between Hfq and single-stranded DNA and the formed nucleoprotein complexes.

Different views of the molecular representation of the Hfq protein: the molecular surface of the N-terminal domain is shown in gray and Green color (Green is a complementary color that corresponds to light of a wavelength…). Beta sheets (blue) and alpha helices (red) appear as a band in the monomer. Here the C-terminal amyloid region is missing due to an unknown structure.

The effect of the Hfq protein on the highlighted DNA has important implications for DNA replication and recombination. He lives.

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Thus, single-stranded DNA-binding Hfq proteins play critical roles in many basic biological processes, including DNA replication and recombination. hereditary (Genetics (from the Greek genno γεννώ = birth) is…). Hfq is also a file actor (An actor is an artist who embodies a character in a movie, in a play, in…) Important to consider in bacterial chromosomal structure and gene expression control. to organize (Regulation in its concrete sense refers to a technical system, which is…) The possibility of reproduction and recombination, which can occur in all living cells.

The interaction of amyloid-like Hfq with single-stranded DNA: involvement in recombination and replication in Escherichia coli,
Krzysztof Kubiak, Frank Wien, Indresh Yadav, Nykola C. Jones, Søren Vrønning Hoffmann, Eric Le Cam, Antoine Cossa, Frederic Geinguenaud, Johan RC van der Maarel, Grzegorz Węgrzyn and Véronique Arluison, to appear in Biophysics Quarterly Reviews.

University (The university is an institution of higher education whose goal is…) Paris Saclay Laboratory Leon Brillouin (Léon Brillouin (born August 7, 1889 in Sèvres – died 1969 in New York) was a physicist…) UMR CEA-CNRS, LLB / MMB
– Disco Beamline, Synchrotron the sun (The Sun (Sol in Latin, Helios or Ήλιος in Greek) is the star…)
ISA Synchrotron (Aarhus Denmark) And the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
– CNanoMat and Inserm platform, U1148, Vascular Transfusion Laboratory Science (Science (Latin science, “knowledge”) is, according to the dictionary…)UFR SMBHAnd the University of Paris 13 (University Paris 13 (official name: Paris-XIII) is a university…)And the Sorbonne Paris City (Sorbonne Paris City is a Center for Research and Higher Education (PRES)…)And theBobigny University
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Gdansk (Poland),
Department of Physics, National University of Singapore
– genome integrity and cancer (Cancer is a disease characterized by abnormal cell proliferation…)And the institute (An institute is a permanent organization created for a specific purpose. It is…) Gustav Rossi (Gustave Rossi was born on November 24, 1874 in Vevey (Switzerland) and died in …)
korean institute (Korean Institute is an institution, its main activities on the one hand…)PSL University, Paris-Saclay University, CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, better known by the acronym CNRS, is the largest…) UMS2016, Inserm US43, Multimedia Imaging Center.

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