Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Russia: Sergey Lavrov worried about anti-white racism in the United States

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed his concern Thursday about the escalation of racism against whites in the United States, and linked it to the political awakening that “pushed into absurdity” in that country.

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Dans un entretien avec la télévision russe, M. Lavrov a assuré que “tout le monde” souhaitait “se débarrasser du racisme”, ajoutant que la Russie a été “pionnière dans le mouvement promouvant des droits couits égaux les person d’un d’une autreleur From the skin. “

But he said it was important “not to go to the other end that we have seen with the BLM (the Black Lives Matter Movement) and the attacks on whites, the white citizens of the United States.”

The Russian Foreign Minister linked this situation to the “cultural revolution taking place in the United States”, believing that “Hollywood changes its rules so that everything reflects the diversity of modern society, which is also a form of censorship.”

“I have seen blacks perform in Shakespeare’s plays. Just, I don’t know when we’ll see a white otle,” he continued, “This political correction that was pushed to a ridiculous conclusion will end badly.”

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