Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Science fiction in a dream | information

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Science fiction in a dream

Passionate about science fiction since his teens, Bernard Schlag loves to confront reality and fantasy through scientific discoveries either imagined or real. A way to approach human society and what might become of it.

Claire Brugger

Bernard Schlag is not one of the rare humans to see tardigrades. Measuring less than half a millimeter, the tiny animal is invisible to the naked eye. His unusual body like a microscopic “water bear”, recently highlighted on pages 7 (No. 558), caught the attention of Châtelleraudais, who immediately remembered that he had met him in an episode of … Star Trek. It must be said that Bernard Schlag, who baptized his cat “Out of nowhere” Spock, named after the Doctor on the American series, fell at a very young age into the fable of science fiction. “But the good! “,” Clarifies immediately. Books, series, movies… discover it “Everything related to time travel and artificial intelligence…”.Imagination, too little for him. Same for superheroes. “In science fiction, there is science and fiction: the authors adapt science to fiction that has a chance of happening.”

The first novel in Suwayda that caught the attention of Bernard Chalg was written by Maurice Vauthier, Planet Kalgar And “The story of a planet revolving around the sun in the opposite direction to the earth, He remembers nationality. I was also a teenager when I found myself bedridden from the flu. I had then read in the Tintin or Pilote episode of Blake and Mortimer where Mortimer, riding a Chronoscaphe, was stuck in time…this impressed me. »

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At the same time, Son of the Legion became interested in big battles, unexplained facts, and then Star Wars came out, “West Hungarian”As Bernard Schlag defines it … the enthusiast is always on the lookout, watching the bookstore shelves to find the latest Pierre Bordage and his comrades, and occasionally picking up some work In the book box installed in the Parc du Verger Even if he has “Impression that you did the trick.” “Anyway, all the great authors of the forties or fifties of the last century are dead,” He laments.

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The last move, from Drum to Chatelareault in 2018, took over a portion of his library, but the avid reader of SF, admired by Bowler hat and leather bootsLike Doctor fromkeep some Isaac Asimov or even robocallipsOne of his favorite books. “Man created artificial intelligence. But every creature ends up against its creator. AI understood that to save the planet, it had to eliminate the human race,” warns the back cover of Danielle H. Wilson’s novel.

With thirty years of experience in the gendarmerie, Bernard Schlag loves what science fiction says about human society. Just as a community searches for ants, bees or African termites, which can inspire its development. “Science Fiction for a Dreamhe comes out.To dream is to imagine, to imagine is to create, and to create is to bring something to the human race. »

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