Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Science is saving in an effort to protect the Isthmus of Mykolon Lang

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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The future of the isthmus of Miquelon-Langued, a victim of erosion, is at the center of concerns in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon. Researcher Nicholas Rubin invites us to step back and consider all possible options regarding the future of the dune mountain range.

Her specialty: Coastal dynamics. Nicholas Rubin, a teacher and researcher at Perpignan University, has grown accustomed to the sand dunes he has come to study for many years. The researcher completed his thesis on the isthmus of Miquelon-Langued. He mainly worked on a global study of the isthmus, a work that was funded by the Ministry of Overseas Territories, the Regional Community and Datam. In all, the researcher visited the archipelago six times on missions that lasted several weeks. Obviously, he remotely followed the recent striptease episodes and the work that was done.

Also read: Is it possible to preserve the Isthmus of the Mycolon-Anglade from high water levels?

We know it worsens erosion.

According to him, RepRap exists “only to protect risks”. But according to this specialist, theyIt is not without consequences for the dynamics of the environmentIn the present scenario, the stake is the road connecting Miquelon with Langled.

In fact, compared to similar situations elsewhere, RepRapEffects on sedimentary dynamics of the environment.“Determines That Hard Work Can”Accentuate corrosion at the foot of the structure.

Take into account the characteristics of the environment

Because of its size and low height, the isthmusVery sensitive environment.“According to Nicholas Rubin. Right now the researcher thinks there is.”A very strong knowledge gap about the archipelago“Which cannot be surpassed. But he insists on the truth.”That dynamic must be activated to improve this knowledge. “

To be considered for land use planning, it is essential to have the best possible scientific knowledge of the environment.

Nicholas Robin

Additionally, it calls for thinking about the strategy to be followed to preserve the isthmus. According to the researcher, it will be up to the “principal to pool knowledge of this thinking” to arrive at the decision.That seems to them the most appropriate with regards to the issues in the archipelago. “

Any future for the isthmus?

Nicholas Rubin believes that two options can be considered for the future of the isthmus:A natural future without human influence, Which could lead to the disappearance of the dune mountain range, orA future linked to human actionBut the two options present unknowns: it is impossible to determine when the isthmus will disappear if we let nature take its course; it is also difficult.To look at evolutionWith regard to the future of the isthmus, this is the second option.

Even backing off the road is something that is not sustainable over time.

Nicholas Robin

And the natural characteristics of the dune edge mean that management options are somewhat limited, according to the researcher. “What is certain is that with the techniques of resettlement or spatial reconfiguration, which have become very fashionable today, (…) L.The difficulty is that there is no space to transport the road.

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