Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Science or our European values?

Must read

Maria Gill
Maria Gill
"Subtly charming problem solver. Extreme tv enthusiast. Web scholar. Evil beer expert. Music nerd. Food junkie."

For a week, the number one topic in Quebec about the pandemic was how many fans could be at the Bell Center for the rest of the playoffs.

Finally, public health decided. A thousand more people will be able to attend the game between Canadians and Vegas on Friday night. You might think that the dismantling of our national sport was based on science, but no!

Christian Dube explained on Monday that we are moved by our European values: “What is there in the United States, as a ‘norm’, right now, and then in Vegas, is not our values, we agree. We are more of a European concept.”

ancient science

This lack of reference to science is nothing new, even if the government has always told us that science is at the heart of all its decisions.

Why is the Secretary now talking about values ​​in the United States versus those in Europe? Who decided that Quebecers had European values ​​in exchange for deregulation?

Unusually, Dobby’s statement came before Public Health announced that bars could extend their hours. We all know that this relief was implemented because of the Euro.

Hockey, our good old European national sport. Yes, I’m doing some sarcasm here.

missed opportunity

By refusing to dramatically increase the number of spectators for the Sainte-Flanelle matches, Legault’s government missed a great opportunity to prove to the members of the Quebecers that vaccination was effective.

Especially when we know that the government wants to convince young people to get vaccinated.

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But hey, not allowing a return to normality for the adequately vaccinated Quebecers, that must be the health minister’s European concept.

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