Monday, January 20, 2025
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Israel donates millions of doses of vaccines to African countries

“I am happy that Israel can be a partner in eliminating the epidemic” (Yair Lapid)The State of Israel will donate one million AstraZeneca vaccines...

Orangutan mothers play the role of mistresses with their children!

The House of Science is like a collection of stories. Beautiful tales told to live in all their freshness. But also in...

Space debris: a Swiss warning to the world

In this computer-generated image, satellites and debris have been greatly enlarged to make them clearly visible. However, the immediate surroundings of the land...

Baby Charmaine Jogret, winner of the “Women in Science 2021” award

Mauritius Baby Charmaine Joguet is the 12th winnere An edition of the...

Omicron in January: ‘We must prepare for the worst,’ says a doctor

January is likely to be tough in Quebec in terms of hospitalization,...


Who is he ? Point, this organism neither animal, nor plant, nor fungi is challenging our intelligence! Written by: Richard Flament [email protected] Forget other notions of animals,...

EM – Colorado governor says ‘medical emergency’ for COVID is over

Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D) said in an interview that the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines heralds the "end of the...

Don’t like hugs? Find out why according to science

We have always asked ourselves this question: Why do some people like hugs more than others? Science has the answer for us.An educational...

We played these spirits between science fiction and horror

Dolmen is an Action RPG that, like many titles, is inspired by the series Evil spirits. However, the game stands out for its...

It’s no longer snowing in the Arctic, it’s raining!

More rain and less snow in the ArcticThe climate system of the Arctic is currently shifting, previously it was clearly dominated by snowfall. ...

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