Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The American electoral system | Martin Luther King’s family in favor of reform

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Cole Hanson
Cole Hanson
"Extreme twitteraholic. Passionate travel nerd. Hardcore zombie trailblazer. Web fanatic. Evil bacon geek."

(Washington) Family members of Martin Luther King Jr. protested in Washington on Monday to demand Congress’ passage of polling reforms, as the United States marked the anniversary of the civil rights leader’s assassination.

Updated yesterday at 8:47 PM.

Le fils du célèbre révérend, Martin Luther King III, a pris la parole lors de la marche, avertissant que de nombreux États “ont adopté des lois qui rendent le vote plus difficile”, plus d’un demi-siècle après de les disc s disc His father.

Monday’s rally participants echoed Martin Luther King’s demands more than 60 years ago by chanting, “What do we want? The right to vote! When do we want it? Now!”


Demonstrators, including Martin Luther King III (center), cross the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge during the march on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 17 in Washington.

“We are marching because our right to vote is now under attack,” Reverend Wendy Hamilton told AFP during the protest. “Actually, our democracy is very fragile,” he added.I Hamilton, an elected local official from Washington.

Beaucoup portaient des affiches imprimées à l’effigie de l’icône des droits civiques, et portant son célèbre appel de 1957 “Donnez-nous le bulletin de vote”, qui demandait au gouvernement fédéral de faire respecter le droirs amé éain vote all country.

The protest came in support of the free voting law currently being considered by the Senate, which was passed by the House of Representatives last week.

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House Speaker, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, also spoke at the rally with Martin Luther King’s 13-year-old granddaughter.

Fierce political battle

“If these oppressive laws against voters in the United States continue, the America my father dreamed of will never see the light of day,” Martin Luther King, daughter of Martin Luther King, wrote on social networks.

This bill is subject to a fierce political battle, with President Joe Biden having to negotiate with two rebellious senators from his Democratic Party to be able to amend a rule of procedure and allow Congress to pass the bill without Republican support.

Joe Biden argues that the bill is key to protecting American democracy from Republican attempts to exclude minorities, who have historically leaned Democrats, from voting through a series of laws recently passed at the grassroots level.

Vice President Kamala Harris said at the White House that Martin Luther King Jr. “championed racial justice, economic justice, and freedom that empowers others: the freedom to vote.”

“To truly honor the legacy of the man we celebrate today, we must continue to fight for freedom to vote, for freedom for all,” she added.

Mr. Biden and Mr. Harris last week visited the basement where Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39 and his wife Coretta Scott King was buried in Atlanta.

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