The numbers speak for themselves: for several weeks the number of first injections of Covid vaccines Steady decline in Drum and Ardesh. According to figures from the Ministry of Health, about 5,000 people received their first injection in Ardesh in the week of June 14, compared to about 6,400 in the previous week and more than 9,600 in the previous week. The peak week of May 10 with more than 12,000 first-time injections seems far off. The dynamics at Drôme are exactly the same: more than 9,000 initial injections in the week beginning June 14, versus about 12,000 in the previous week and about 16,000 in the previous week. Here, too, we’re still far from the peak of the first 29,000 doses in the week of May 10.
Some centers are idle
Despite this drop in new vaccinations, most centers continue to operate thanks to second doses that now account for the majority of activity. But In some centers, outlets are starting to have difficulty finding recipients. Just go to Doctolib to see Dozens of appointments available In the centers of Montélimar (Drôme), Annonay and Vans (Ardèche). It’s in free fallسقوط, admits Sébastien Gadilhe, Vice President of the Regional Occupational Health Society of the South Ardèche. There are a lot of free appointments, we give a lot of second doses, but in the initial vaccinations there are not many people anymore because the vaccine looks less attractive.” However, the number of people to be vaccinated is still very large. Half of the residents of Drom and Ardesh have not received any dose of the vaccine.
Why this disillusionment?
You just have to go out to the street Find explanations for this slowdown in the vaccination campaign. “Covid numbers are getting better every day a little more, we reopen everything, and all of a sudden we are telling ourselves we are less likely to catch the virus”Explains the young Valentinois. Others think they’re adequately protected with a mask and barrier gestures, others worry about the side effects of vaccines, and then of course there are always vaccine skeptics.
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