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The tone is getting stronger for unvaccinated caregivers

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Maria Gill
Maria Gill
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Publication date: 08/26/2021 at 9:00 pm

Video length: 2 minutes

France 2

Article by

Aribi, C Colent, Mohamed Mouma, E Ortado – France 2

France TVs

Less than a month before a Covid-19 vaccine is committed to caregivers. On October 15, a full scheme will be required. Vaccination of caregivers has taken an extraordinary leap, according to Health Minister Olivier Veran. But there are still thermals.

“We will not back down”, Knock, Thursday, August 26, Prime Minister Jean Castilles on the vaccination of caregivers. In a hospital near Lille (North), caregivers had to take days off. It is impossible for management to let them operate; Twice they refused to take a PCR test. “I still have two weeks of RTT left, after that the moment will come when there will be no more salaries, quite simply”, Benoit Diwallis, a nursery nurse, breathes. The health pass is mandatory since the beginning of August in hospitals. A procedure still rejected by some caregivers who do not wish to be vaccinated.

At present, isolated cases. Caregivers know that from September 15, the first dose will be necessary. From October 16, injections will be mandatory. Otherwise, they will be suspended without pay, Jean Castex confirmed. In EHPAD, 85.9% of health professionals received at least one dose. They are 81.3% in health institutions. The risks of downsizing are burdening these institutions.

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The tone is getting stronger for unvaccinated caregivers

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