Tuesday, March 4, 2025

They stormed into restaurants and hotels to celebrate Valentine’s Day

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Alan Binder
Alan Binder
"Alcohol scholar. Twitter lover. Zombieaholic. Hipster-friendly coffee fanatic."

The orange zone is suitable for lovers who will be abundant in the dining rooms on Saturday evening. At L’Inter et Rouge Burger, the owner filled his room in a few hours.

We were full at 6 AM on Tuesdays so between 12 noon and 6 am the restaurant filled us up on Saturday and Sunday evenings.As the owner Raphael Gerrard says.

A few steps away, La Parizza is buzzing with buzz a few hours before the restaurant opens.

We’re in juice today. Friday was a beautiful evening and the night was still full.

Wilfred Phippis, owner of La Baresa

Several hotels in the area that Radio Canada contacted also confirmed that there were not many rooms left in their stay.

Red zone agents insistence

According to a government decree, only people residing in the area can reserve a table in the restaurant. Despite these instructions, restaurant owners have already had to turn down many customers from outside.

You need to ask for proof of residency, and of course there are still people who don’t listen to TV or radio, and don’t understand why you should ask for proof of residency. Once again, the restoration process should play the role of the police. I quarreled with clients. Yes, it takes proof of residency because we may lose our license, Laments the owner of Témaki sushi in Chicoutimi, Michaël Tremblay.

At Chez Georges, the note is the same, owner Sandy Laforge doubles her vigilance.

Every day we have to turn it down. Since Monday, by asking for identity documents, we see there are people from Montreal, people from Quebec as you say.

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According to the Gabriel Morissette report.

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